I will go ahead and explain this image, due to others hosting it and talking smack like it was a photoshop item:
When PB took this screen shot the person in question was ZOOMED IN (this is for you, the not so smart people i.e. VU forums), while out of zoom PBSS will show the entire screen, meds, grenades, score, hp etc... let me say this again just so you didn't miss it the first time, while out of zoom PBSS will show the entire screen, meds, grenades, score, hp, while ZOOMED IN it only shows what you see here in this capture.
If you have played FEAR for more than 5 min you know that standing still with a G2A2 and shooting does not spread the x-hair, unless;
A: you move
B: you zoom
Fact or Fiction?
Yes go ahead and test all you want, this is an actual screen shot with a log file to boot, my servers are set up with streaming set to 3 so it will capture logs and screen shots. The person in question was flagged on our server many times before, logs show a #10006 violation, I didn't take time to read much into this, maybe happens to others as well, I did not verify that code (chime in if you have). Do you know the time it takes to get PB screen shots like this? It truly is special and worth 1000 words.
This is not here as a flame but rather a verified fact, if you ZOOM in with a G2A2 and Fire the Weapon (standing still or not), the x-hair bounces and is Never closed :o .
but don't take my word for it, go test.
Thanks to Flair for helping with the last person that was caught on our server via PBSS. I don't recall after xISx split up did they reform under a new name?