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  1. thx peeps for the input.
  2. I'm tired of playing on servers, where they are not streaming. Im tired of seeing blatant hackers, getting ss's and demo's and being told nothing can be done. Im tired of playing on a server, enjoying it & enjoying the people, then finding out there not streaming. I dont even know if im right in thinking this, but pb streaming is the only way for hackers to be caught properly? So my main question is this: How can I tell a server is streaming, without being a noob and asking admins? Can I tell? All I want is to play, regularly, on a server, with friendly people, and know that Im relatively safe from hackers. I want to know that when I get my ass handed to me, its by a legit player! *ranting over* (im also very sry if this isnt in the right place)
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