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Scalpel .:LZ:.

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    Lucid Zombie
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. interesting. I too would like to see how this works. Could you use this command to catch people with Macros, etc..?
  2. I want to clarify the help you are asking for, You want to know why your stats were reset and why your stolen key was banned and stats reser by Punkbuster. I myself and others have tried to help you but those weren't the answers you are seeking. Not to mention these are questions for Activision and Punkbuster not PBBans. Open a ticket with Punkbuster and then you can contact Activision as to why you lost your stats. Like you said though your key was stolen, they know it and you are getting a new key so why keep pressing the issue? All people were saying is that sometimes people put these things into programs like hacks, torrents etc, that steal your personal info, keys and so on....only you know how it got there. You ask for help and don't like the answers then maybe you should just move on and contact Punkbuster and Activision directly about your issues.
  3. To my knowledge it isn't just COD4. PB and AA never get along.
  4. I had that issue and the way I corrected it was to go into my service while the game is running and change Punkbuster B.exe from manual start to automatic start. that fixed it up for me.
  5. If you are referring to COD4 I know that you can backup the profile and the only way that they could be wiped out is if you delete it since they are locally managed. they don't keep stats online like bf2 did. If you uninstalled and reinstalled it without keeping the configurations then unfortunately you have lost them. The reason I know is I had an issue with COD4 and Activision support told me to uninstall/reinstall and they told me the wrong way to back up my files so I did what they asked and lost everything. I had to start all over again. I wrote back to them telling them this and have never heard from them again. They gave me the ol' SOL
  6. NP Glad to help :)
  7. I use this viewer and have been for quite a long time. http://www.aliasfinder.co.uk/products/sschecker/
  8. HUB BF2/POE2 .:LZ:. Thanks :)
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