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Everything posted by SgtMic

  1. I always knew AON was for AAO, but I see they also have COD4 now. Thanks.
  2. Yeah, TWL requires streaming to here and PsB. Just thought adding on a 3rd. Thanks for the replies.
  3. OK, so is there more info from them that I need to stream?
  4. By default, I am streaming to PBBans and PunksBusted. I need to add in ACI. On their site, they want me to add: Which then overrides the hub. What to do?
  5. Yowsa. :) New server IP is I'm a little slow on getting things updated.
  6. I posted in their forum about rcon not working. Here is the thread and their reply. WTF??? http://www.hlsw.net/forum/thread.php?threadid=753&sid=
  7. Good enough and thanks again.
  8. fozzer, you the man. :) Yes, I would like to forward my info to the above. Thanks for helping keep the community "clean". Edit: I just checked with MSI and I am only streaming to Rep, not Hub.
  9. That is what I'm trying to do. In my pb folder are these: pbbans_hub.cfg pbsv.cfg which contains "pb_sv_load pbbans_hub.cfg" as the first line. pbsvlog.cfg Which contains this: ;pbbans rep commands pb_sv_LogAddr pb_sv_LogPort 24389 pb_sv_LogUser * pb_sv_LogPw * I'm also currently streaming to punksbusted.
  10. AAO is NOT on the RCon list. http://wiki.hlsw.net/index.php/Category:Rcon_Supported_Games
  11. I sent it to foxdie. I'll pm it to you now. thx
  12. Topic Title: Rep: SgtMic Game: AA Clantag: -{F@ST}-
  13. I will reinstall HLSW and try that. Thanks.l
  14. I've gone through that multiple times already using ftp. The problem seems to be when I open the console. Any command given starting with pb_sv_whatever is answered with "pb server commands ignored". If I try "admin pb_sv_whatever" nothing happens in the console. Fixed my post to reflect info I thought would be a given.
  15. I've gone through that multiple times already using ftp. The problem seems to be when I open the console. Any command given starting with pb_sv is answered with "pb server commands ignored". If I try "admin pb_sv" nothing happens in the console.
  16. Using ftp I loaded pbucon.use and pbbans_hub.cfg to the pb folder. Added pb_sv_load pbbans_hub.cfg to pbsv.cfg. Restarted the server via control panel. Entered game as player admin, open console and type pb_sv_uconlist. PB server commands ignored. Typed it admin pb_sv_uconlist and nothing happens. Any idea what I am doing wrong? I'm sure someone does. So, how do I fix this? PB is current v1.244
  17. Nice to actually see the program working. Amazing how many players come on and get kicked for prior kicks/ bans.
  18. :jam:
  19. How patient should I be to get a response to both pms tp murder? Edit. I hooked up with Fozzer in IRC. Good to go now.
  20. OK, let's do it.
  21. I would like to, but I don't have access to pm anyone. :unsure: Hmmm?
  22. In regards to Nobles server, It is not a pk3 that removes the recoil. It is in the weapon mod. If someone has it in their pk3, then it's a good chance it's a hack.
  23. It may also be the recoils. SS was taken right after he pulled the trigger?
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