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Everything posted by Felek

  1. Felek


    On start, im sorry for my not werry well english, but i hope i will be understanding. From +/- one year, server where i play from years, started visited guys from Elitecoders like: [nC]na1rda (from Poland), [nC]'gS (from Netherland), [nC]M3f (?). They are using etBot. There is no way to do nothing with them. They use each connection (or even every 15 min.) different Guid, different nicks (only sometimes use nicks wich i listed above) and i suspect different IP. Proofs they are cheaters? Please: 10 III 2006, 13:22 [nC]na1rda : na1rda.dm_84 10 III 2006, 13:24 [nC]'gS : gs.dm_84 10 III 2006, 13:29 [nC]M3f : m3f.dm_84 Did they do that permanently? Of course. (G5 and G4@UPC.[PL] are servers where i play) There are also 1 or 2 other "friends" from [nC]. And? And nothing work, punkbuster, kicking... . They still back on the server. Afterk kick, they are back in 15 sec. (time needed only for reconnect). I fighted with them for kicking from server every time, when i saw them. Few days ago, one of them, say to me: i wil take your Guid, your nick, record demo etc., send this where its needed, and you will be baned for end of the world. Nice. Few minutes ago, i played on server, and one [nC] joining server with my nick, and started eliminate whole axis team with 1-2 headshots. So now i (and other like me on this serwer) waiting for pbban. Did any smart head, have advice for me and others? Thx, almost finished player of ET.
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