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Don Logan

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Everything posted by Don Logan

  1. thx for helping m8 , doing my head in :( will keep trying and looking thx again if ya get any ideas i'll be checking 4 a while
  2. did u get that m8 ? only there 4 20 secs or so gonna go there again just 2 make sure :)
  3. n1 ok m8 b there in 2 mins
  4. no m8, those messages are the last thing i see
  5. me again, no probs with being banned now , but after 20 - 30 secs the game freezes. when joing i pull the console down and the last thing on there is : PB server assigned guid 215405160e042909ecc5d47b6d693795 recieving from PB server (v1.80|a1363 c1.217) i have tried using the pb update tool it did update my version but still freezing up. when i join a game without pb on np's. any ideas any one ?
  6. thx to every one who replied, i managed to find my cd key re typed it and so far it seems to have sorted it thx again for your replies, :) but ill be back if i get any more grief ;) look for me in bk,uwc or uka (good servers) and i'll give ya whack :P
  7. thanks m8 will try that , i do get that other message sometimes .tried that just boxes in there
  8. :( I DID buy my own copy honestly, so i cant work out how that many people have it , could some one get my key from me when i am playing on line ? why have i just been banned if that many people have it , i was playing this morning no probs. surley they didnt all get it today ? this global ban thing has been running for months why do i get banned now when i play every night ... sumthing dosent add up. my copy was bought from the shop when the game came out, all other honest people should look out i cant be the only one who this has happened to
  9. gutted far as i know no one has it :(
  10. guid ban m8
  11. :blink: this is my GUID=28408be85331757154519b97f53b116d again thx 4 any replys , im going cold turkey :blink: i have just check master player index and no record found ? i also get global punkbuster ban f53b116d
  12. i have played of sof 2 since day 1 and NEVER cheated. yet today i get a globalban for no reason. how may others are in this same situation , i think PB should look into how they work this out, it could ruin certain gameing communities. I feel cheated by PB , how ironic. Can some one please help me ,i have my guid key but i dont know where to check it :( thank's for any help Don Logan
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