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  1. nothing to worry about.
  2. Dear saleen, This is a normal move in americasarmy which can be done by sending handsignals. This is not a hack and not a bug. Greets
  3. server just hasnt restasrted yet.
  4. Allright. Lets start getting peopel streaming to pbbans m8. Lets fire this thing up.
  5. You can delete the logs safely without any consequences to pbbans.com In english: Go ahead.
  6. lol,ive been busey with my new task based md5tool system which makes my server about 1 of the best protected servers in AA aggainst public hacks.I now check all cheat websites every day for new releases. As soon as 1 comes out i make a check for it and update my private checks for it. So ive been very busey with it and i guess i forgot all about checking the forums. Lol i thought everything was okay when you said its streaming so didnt really look at that topic aggain. But when i found that i couldnt acces the mci i started thinking aggain lol. Im streaming now according to the msi. ^^
  7. forgot my noobish ass to restart PB lol. You guys got private scripts already? lol,found them already ^^
  8. Server IP: Server Port : Game : America's Army Clan Tag : -=HELL=- Co-Admin : I am the only one with FTP acces.
  9. If that is the case then why did i get the answer that you dont have any private scripts at all other then the ones you have available to te publick when i asked about it? ^^
  10. Hi,im back. Lol,no actually im making fun of you because in every post you have ever made theres "stock file"in it. You have "stock file"on your mind m8. All you can think of. You really think i give a damn about any ban removed? I didnt even notice it was but anyway dont you think i knew that was gonna happen? Verified the md5 already with known hack hashes and came out clean. Grow up? If you stop saying "stock file"every time maby people would take you serrious. Anyway i aint here to argue,Just wondered wot was said to my post. Reason i stepped over to aci is because they have more proffesional scripts and i wish to become a private member some time for the better scripts. You havent got anything which comes close to theyres at the moment.
  11. Hi guys. I thought i would mention i stepped over to ACI so my server isnt streaming to pbbans.com anymore. C yaz laters. Ow,icheban,this isnt a stock file is it?
  12. if this guy was in my room right now ps. Icheban please dont tell me this is a stock file. http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=9909
  13. Icheban. Heres the md5 of the file: 38808EF43CAC238CE5254E29F1048273 It complies with glugbot. And check the screenshot.
  14. Hacker number 1 busted. (truly a hacker) [04.09.2006 10:00:04] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002: NLaterSS.X$^ (slot #19) MD5Tool Mismatch: Textures/Coronas.utx (len=2048) [32016da0e8899bef547625f77186e0b6(-)] http://images.hellclan.net/pb000755.png Hooah
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