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Everything posted by TrIn@dOr

  1. Thanks!
  2. User and password please. Thanks.
  3. Please don't deactivate accounts based on server not streaming. AA is dealing with some server patch issues. Source: http://forum.americasarmy.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=10444 Thanks.
  4. Does anyone knows something about it? Anyone with friends inside eb? :)
  5. Just saying hi!!
  6. 2.8.4 is out!
  7. Headquarters has requested you report to Camp McKenna for Advanced Individual Training. You must complete this training quickly as you will soon deploy to a remote region and it is imperative that you are proficient in this new technology. The latest SITREP reveals all the new features included in the upcoming release of America's Army: Special Forces (Overmatch) v2.8.4. Double-time over to our Intelligence section and read the latest SITREP in its entirety to find out what's in store for you. HOOAH! http://www.americasarmy.com/intel/sitrep.php America's Army: Special Forces (Overmatch) Release Notes (Version 2.8.4) ========================= ========================= ===== What's new ========================= ========================= ===== New ES2 Training & Co-op missions ----------------------------- ES2 MOUT McKenna (Training) "Every Soldier a Sensor (ES2) is a potential information collector and an essential component to help reach situational understanding. Every Soldier develops a special level of situational awareness simply due to exposure to events occurring in their Area of Operations (AO) and has the opportunity to collect information by observation and interaction with the environment and the population. The increased situational awareness that soldiers develop through personal contact and observation is a critical element of the Brigade and Battalion's ability to more fully understand, react to, and control the operational environment. On today's battlefield, information dominance is crucial and the soldier is the Commander's most valuable weapon. By diligently observing the environment the soldier will be able to identify and report objects, people and events which contribute to Command's full understanding of the AO. Things worth reporting include objects which are dangerous or seem out of place, people who are behaving in a suspicious manner, and things which are obviously related to enemy activity (such as weapons, explosives and uniforms). As information is being reported by all soldiers, Command may then be able to put together seemingly disparate information to attain a more complete view of the AO and will be better able to direct soldiers in the field." The McKenna MOUT site is the location where training in the concept of Every Soldier a Sensor will occur. Players must use key clues to find an IED cache while engaging enemy targets in a timed environment. A Go or No-Go will be given based on number of suspicious objects observed and reported, time of completion, and number of enemy targets engaged. Successful completion of the ES2 training will allow players to accrue points for observing and reporting suspicious objects within the ES2 Border Co-operative Multiplayer level. read more >> ES2 Border (Multiplayer Co-Op) "Intelligence has identified this small border village as a hotbed for hostile activity and the likely source of IEDs used in recent attacks. The local population is a mix of insurgents, sympathizers and pro-democracy civilians. The sprawling village borders a highway which will be used increasingly in the coming months for friendly troop and supply transport. It is imperative that the insurgency here is addressed with as little negative impact as possible on civilian infrastructure and that any IED related activity be eliminated." This version of the Border level hosts a co-operative mission where a small village area with low hills is home to an armed group of insurgents. Teams are encouraged while on patrol to be on the lookout for suspicious objects which may lead to clues about current activity within the village. read more >> ========================= ========================= ===== System Requirements (have not changed): ========================= ========================= ===== The current Minimum System Requirements for AA:SF (Overmatch) are as follows: - 3-D graphics card with 128 MB memory and support for hardware transformation and lighting - 2.4 GHz processor or equivalent - English version of Windows® 2000/XP Operating System with latest updates - 512 MB RAM - 3.5GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files - 4X DVD-ROM (not required for downloaded installations) - Windows 2000/XP compatible system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM drive, video card, sound card, mouse and keyboard) - DirectX®9.0 - 100% Compatible DirectX 9.0 soundcard - 56kbps Modem or other network connection - *Nvidia
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