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Everything posted by B00

  1. as fugly said some of the guys from Urban Misfits are proud to donate to PBBans to keep you guys running :) donation sent :D and keep up the good work :D
  2. B00

    For Fozzer

    I totally agree m8 there check is flawed and what about all the other poor sods that have been caught this way... i highly doubt though that they will lift anyone elso who was unfortunate enough to be caught this way unless they kick up a fuss like we did :(
  3. A big thankyou for helping her get her name cleared. For all you that dont know my wife picked up a ban nearly a week ago at game-violations.org for a perfectly legtimate opengl32.dll file. Fozzer has helped us since then to clear her name which as of this morning they have removed the ban. It appears that teamspeak overlay caused this false ban as it injects direct into memory. So if any of you guys use this be careful on any servers that stream to GV and you use TSO (Rosie was on gameservers when this happened) watch out as it may cause false bans. B00
  4. wooooooooooohooooooooooooo :D
  5. Hi All [D-J]'s are now streaming both COD2 servers to PBBans Server 1 ip Server 2 ip
  6. Bob its nice to see that you have gone along way m8 keep up the good work :)
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