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Everything posted by TUBLoki

  1. a few searches on cod2 cheats found that some cheats for the game come with this file. I dont know if you add this file to your game dir, or if it overwrites the existing file in system. I'm assuming this PB check detects a different file size for it if it overwrites it or something like that. Ive seen a few people kicked for it and a few kicked for blocking PB from scanning for it. I'm reluctant to ban ppl for this violation until I'm certain of its function though.
  2. in CODUO you used to run \pb_plist and it would save it to a logfile, this doesnt happen with COD2. Is there something you can add to your config to make it save the pb_plist to a logfile??
  3. we are running 1.2 on linux on our servers. only thing is our mods dont work, gotta wait for the 1.2b patch for linux
  4. i found someone blatantly hacking just now but pb didnt kick him
  5. http://www.fpsadmin.com/download/index.php?dlid=293 there ya go m8 :)
  6. damn i really need this for my clans servers
  7. Id love to see a screenie of it if you have one :)
  8. Has pb detected a hack yet or what?? I'm keen to see how long it takes and how many ppl are picked up
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