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Everything posted by Inque187

  1. Uninstall the PB service, reboot and then reinstall it.
  2. Yes, this is only for America's Army for now. I hope to expand to other games but I need support as well as trustworthy staff.
  3. Some of you may remember back in the day when the FBI-Team.org (then the FBI-CLAN) offered a banner/signature image showing how many bans per Anti-Cheat group there was on a daily updated interval. This item was taken down due to over usage of shared server resources in the past. Now it has returned better than ever! Everyone is now free to use this banner/signature image in any manner you choose. Post it on your web site! Add it to your forum signature! Share it with your team! Email it to your friends! This banner/signature image is updated twice daily right after the Searchable Bans Database is updated over at the No More Cheats, Inc. web site. Image: HTML Code: <a href="http://www.no-more-cheats.info" target="_blank" title="No More Cheats, Inc"><img src="http://www.no-more-cheats.info/_pub/banner_nmc_468x60_1.png" alt="No More Cheats, Inc" height="60" width="468"></a> Forum bbCode: [url=http://www.no-more-cheats.info][img=http://www.no-more-cheats.info/_pub/banner_nmc_468x60_1.png][/url]
  4. Thank you all to whom have supported us and are attending! The first day is off and running with great results! Several players (new and old) made it to the first day of or weekend long event. Everything ran smoothly once we ironed out some kinks but everyone had a good time! As an added bonus two more sponsors made unexpected and gracious contributions to our event by donating some more items to the prize pool. We would like to thank AMD/ATI and Ideazon for their most thankful donations. You can take a look at the updated prize/giveaway items list at the event web site (Click on the Prize Title Links) Ideazon Zboards - (New) AMD/ATI T-Shirts - (New) AMD/ATI Posters - (New) AMD Pens - (New) America's Army Discs America's Army Posters America's Army T-Shirts RatPadz Mouse Pads http://events.fbi-team.org/
  5. Web site updated with more event information, prizes, location, and more! Prize list will be growing as soon as more sponsors join the event! Check It Out and Sign Up Today!
  6. Yep, we're at it again! We're holding another LAN Gaming Event here in the Sacramento, California area! This time we're going all out! There will be a 50 slot LAN gaming setup, XBOX consoles, US Army presence, Halloween costume contest, activities, prizes, and giveaways! We're putting together a vigorous advertising campaign with a special treat- Soon to be announced! Web Site/Registration: http://events.fbi-team.org/index.php List of possible sponsors: GlobarlVR - http://www.globalvr.com (America's Army Arcade Game) Alienware - http://www.alienware.com AMD/ATI - http://www.amd.com | http://www.ati.com Asus - http://www.asus.com Creative - http://www.creative.com Dell - http://www.dell.com Gamespot - http://www.gamespot.com Intel - http://www.intel.com Linksys - http://www.linksys.com Nvidia - http://www.nvidia.com OCZ - http://www.ocztechnology.com RatPadz - http://www.ratpadz.com Wolf King - http://www.wolfkingusa.com Blue Diamond - http://www.bluediamond.com Coca-Cola - http://www.coca-cola.com Frito Lay - http://www.fritolay.com Hershey - http://www.hersheys.com Mars - http://www.mars.com Pepsi - http://www.pepsi.com Red Bull - http://www.redbull.com Slim Jim - http://www.slimjim.com Sobe - http://www.sobebev.com
  7. http://events.americasarmy.com/events/?id=41 http://www.kiss-aao-clan.us/ http://www.fbi-team.org/ when: Saturday July 28, 2007 where: B.T. Collins Reserve Center 6251 Midway Street Build. 353 Sacramento California, 95828 time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. admission is free!! Events include Americas Army game tournaments, U.S. Army laser trainers,and much more. Escorts will be at the gate to assist you. You won’t want to miss this. Come and bring your friends. Spend the day with the Army. hosted by: KEEP !T $IMPLE $TUPID / FIRST BATTALION INTELLIGENCE & THE U.S. ARMY
  8. There are no "readme.txt" files in the default game install for America's Army. The only file that is even close is the "ArmyOpsReadMe.txt" file in the System folder. The file could be from an add-on tool, keybind, and or a cheat file.
  9. Things have been hectic and busy over at the new FBI-TEAM.ORG web site. A lot is going on and we are trying to manage everything all at once. Our web host decided to update every friggin little security concern and it hosed nearly all our web coding and database. So we have been spending extra time combing through code and more. But everything is coming along fine. Below is a list of projects that we have been working on. Bans Database Updates: ArmyOps Master Ban Index (MBI) File = (100% Complete) - Online and ready for public use. Go to this page: America's Army: Master Bans List Download and click the link only. You should only be able to get the file from that web page. WGET and all other third party download tools should not work. (Sorry!) SBD Search Page = (10% Complete) - April 1st, 2007 release date was pushed back due to some compatibility issues. Waiting for the green light for a new theme design. Also still testing out session functionality as well as a new security protocol. Several new features as well as affiliate links are being added. Still trying to work out the coding for selective AC Group bans downloads. Should be releasing a rough search page to facilitate the masses - it's been only a month since the SBD has been offline. Please be patient. More Details Here
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