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Everything posted by Snap

  1. LOL,i don't think were going to do that just yet.We've been having enough problems with the server first because it is relatively new and finnally set up right,and because of the new patch from EA :angry: That i would like to leave the FTP server alone at the moment;) We've got PB and battleye running together,and to be honest i've never seen PB catch anyone doing anything in the way of cheating.But if the server doesn't run on the server noone would come on the server because they all got it in the filter for BF2. But i thank you again for the help,and i will check here now and then to see what's new!
  2. Hi! So they finally updated and everything is working fine! Thanks for your quick help.And i had FTP acces but that particular folder i could't update,but since i told him what had to be done i now have access LOL!
  3. Yep,that's what i think too,but my game server provider says that i need to update my punkbuster :angry: I tried to up the files to my FTP but i don't have the right to do so!!!!And he isn't writing me back,i guess we'll have to cancel the server and get a new one.I hate bad support. Thanks for the help mike
  4. Hi I.C.E Thanks i'll try it,but the question is,do i need the client files,or does the server need the server files? and by the way you got a really big....................signature :rolleyes:
  5. You might try running Battleye on your server it detects most of the hacks and hooks being used at the moment!
  6. Hi! The server was supposedly updated,and some of my other clan members played on the server with no problems? here is th ip when anyone wants to try it! it's running with hte USI mod,is really allot of fun to play!
  7. Hi!# I keep getting kicked from my own server from PB saying what i wrote in the desciption! and then the kick message This PB server requuires A1310 c110 error loading pbag?I've updated my PB several times,and have played on our ranked server (the problem is our unranked server).But other people are not having this problem?What can i do? Thanks Mike
  8. Well i'm not going to post his hashkey here,he used some tool he found,to find out his own hash key,and it produced something that wasn't his hashkey,probably noones hashkey just a mistake.He's a member of my own clan lol,so he's not cheatin. that much i know. =Old_Boys= is the clan you can check us all out;) we're all clean,ehh at least i hope so!A cheater would be kicked directly from the clan.
  9. Hi! First off it turns out not to be a strange problem;) this person just plain gave me the wrong hashkey :blink: The only thing strange is who banned him,but we think it was a mistake and should have been someone else!?! Sorry to bother everyone but i did learn some things here and will check back now and again in the future ;)
  10. Hi I got the pn and am taking a look!Thanks again!"
  11. HI i tried this in mod manager tool console and it said"unknown command"?
  12. Hi Where do i do this? in the game console? I'VE checked the ban list and he's not in it?direct from the ftp ban.con.
  13. Hi! i have a problem and i don't know how to fix it?A player in my clan has mysteriously been banned from our server,but i checked the ban lists for his IP address and his keyhash and nothing there? He told me that when he tries to get on our server he gets a punkbuster message that he was banned for excessive teamkills or by a vote?A vote to ban doesn't exist!The player in question is also an admin with kick ban and switching rights.Very strange.He can't get on our server but on every other server!?!
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