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About deadmilkmen

  • Birthday 12/23/1960

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  • Gender
  • Interests<br /><br />I HATE cheaters and Tweakers!!
  • Location
    United States

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  • Name
    DeadMilkmen Clan
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  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Enemy Territory
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Mmm, did they say what software was causing it? This could be helpful in determining if they are legite or not.
  2. Happy Birthday so to speak and keep up the good work. -=DM=- has been with you and will stay, no worries. On behalf of the entire clan, thank you! Milky
  3. I have been here since the passing of E.Coli. He was a close friend and taught me a lot. he helped setup our server as one of the first hardcore anti-cheat game servers. it was his passion. From him, we (-=DM=- Clan) came here. K.C.ingognito was no small part in that move as well. Ace, Fozzer (spell check says Fizzer) and the other guys have helped my old, feeble mind maintain my site and setup of PBBANS. Through the years, I can not tell you how many times I have seen the excuse of "Testing" a hack attempted to be used. I applaud PBBANS and PB for not accepting this excuse. Why should we. It is a simple philosophy, if you don't want banned don't F$#k around with them. Pretty simple really. The other all time excuse, "My little brother or friend must have downloaded it" Well, NO ONE downloads anything on my machine without permission, not that hard to enforce. Ever heard of password protection? Anyway, thanks to PBBANS for all their hard work. We sit here and praise them, but do we really understand what it has taken to orchestrate all this? I think not. I have tried to help in my own little way (pathetic as it may be) and actually can claim a few discovered hacks. But it still would not have been possible without these guys. I was very happy to see someone other than E.Coli this dedicated to anti-cheating. A heart felt -=DM=- salute to the entire PBBANS staff ( you too Fizzer - LOL) -=DM=-DeadMilkmen
  4. At -=DM=-, no scripts that affect direct game play are allowed.We are all old schoolers. Like K.C., we have nudge set to zero and your bob's can not be zeroed out. We insist on default and stock settings. Even if PB allows zero bob, we do not. a recoil script will get you banned. But, like stated most scripts are not illegal. it is up to the server. They only script I have is one to adjust brightness in game. Only four levels, all within tolerance.
  5. Necro, search for a server called Sunnyside. They used to run bobots. I don't know if they are still around or not. Milky
  6. Quite simply, you have no reason not to join, unless you yourself have something to hide. Joining not only gains you access, but assures us all that we are adding another genuine Anti-cheater to our groups. excuse me if I speak out of turn, but I am naturally a suspicious type anyway. Simply out, the custom cvars are for members only. So join. It has been a great asset to our servers and helped us become known for being a clean, straight shooting clan and server. Hope this helps, Milky
  7. LOL, I assume that cousin comment was for BlacJack? Cause I have no idea what you are taking about. But, thanks for the tips on making the demo's. Everyone, feel free to stop on by and snipe a little. We have a pretty layed back, slow and quite sniping server to relax on. Except when we turn on Party Panzers or a little creation we like to call "Rebound Sniper" LOL, it's lots of fun. We set the server knockback to -15000. LOL, it's a blast. Thanks for all the tips. Milky
  8. Hmmm, works fine for me. I have not heard of that from anyone else either. Hmmm, maybe someone here knows what is up with that. Have you updated your system and all that good stuff? Milky
  9. OK, you guys helped with the SS question. Next up. Do you have any recommendations for converting the files you get from a demo, into something that can be edited in like "Windows Movie Maker" or any other editing software. When I try to use the recordavi command within the demo control panel, all I get is a bunch of pics, no movie. So, I am looking for something that will convert the ET demos to .avi or something. I tried fraps, but it is only for in game and is kinda choppy. I am looking to convert some old demos I already have. Any help will be appreciated. Here is a short demo I used to make a video for our clan. This is the type of stuff I want to do, but the quality from fraps is low. http://www.dmclan.net/Videos/dope_leap.wmv Hope you like it, Milky
  10. Hub Game: ET Clantag; -=DM=- Finally got it fixed, both servers. Thanks Fozzer!!! Milky
  11. Hub Game: ET Clantag; -=DM=- Finally got it fixed, both servers. Thanks Fozzer!!! Milky
  12. Sorry to tell ya foxy, it dont work. Like I said, I have a pbsvuser.cfg. When I added the command to it, it works. The pbsvuser must overwirte the pbsv or someting, dunno, all I know is it works now
  13. Found it and maybe this will help others. If you have a pbsvuser.cfg, the line to load the hub cfg must be added to this as well as or instead of the pbsv.cfg. I did this and it is working. Maybe this will help others. I still would like to know if I should disable jpat or not. I prob still need it for updating cvars don't I, or do I need it for the ban updates also. I am not lear if the hub streaming updates band or not. Let me know how to deal with this. Milky
  14. Found it and maybe this will help others. If you have a pbsvuser.cfg, the line to load the hub cfg must be added to this as well as or instead of the pbsv.cfg. I did this and it is working. Maybe this will help others. I still would like to know if I should disable jpat or not. I prob still need it for updating cvars don't I, or do I need it for the ban updates also. I am not lear if the hub streaming updates band or not. Let me know how to deal with thtis. Milky
  15. Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : -=DM=- Co-Admin : Mercman I get the same results on this server guys. Maybe not so tried and true? Anything to do with KillerPings servers?
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