I have been here since the passing of E.Coli. He was a close friend and taught me a lot. he helped setup our server as one of the first hardcore anti-cheat game servers. it was his passion. From him, we (-=DM=- Clan) came here. K.C.ingognito was no small part in that move as well. Ace, Fozzer (spell check says Fizzer) and the other guys have helped my old, feeble mind maintain my site and setup of PBBANS. Through the years, I can not tell you how many times I have seen the excuse of "Testing" a hack attempted to be used. I applaud PBBANS and PB for not accepting this excuse. Why should we. It is a simple philosophy, if you don't want banned don't F$#k around with them. Pretty simple really. The other all time excuse, "My little brother or friend must have downloaded it" Well, NO ONE downloads anything on my machine without permission, not that hard to enforce. Ever heard of password protection?
Anyway, thanks to PBBANS for all their hard work. We sit here and praise them, but do we really understand what it has taken to orchestrate all this? I think not. I have tried to help in my own little way (pathetic as it may be) and actually can claim a few discovered hacks. But it still would not have been possible without these guys. I was very happy to see someone other than E.Coli this dedicated to anti-cheating.
A heart felt -=DM=- salute to the entire PBBANS staff ( you too Fizzer - LOL)