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Salubrious Dong

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Everything posted by Salubrious Dong

  1. Well it's unfortunate that you were duped, but let this be a lesson in the trials of your quest. These people by nature, and virtue will proverbially look you dead in the eye, and lie like a dog. They have no shame, and when you finally back the tiger into the corner of his cage with absolute proof of what he is doing he will most likely just tell you that you were foolish for believing him, and be on his merry way to hack somewhere else. GET YOUR SERVER STREAMING! If it were, this guy would be one less hassle for the next guy, and this trick would be begging daddy for another $50. I'd pay alot for a demo of that. :lol:
  2. The SLI has nothing to do with the way the server streams to clients. If you get better ping with it on/off it means you are probably just freeing up some CPU cycles for your network. Heres the lowdown on the whole SLI humbug from IW developer: Earl Hammon, Jr from Infinity Ward has written to me to explain the r_gpusync issue. Basically the game's developers are aware of the additional FPS possible when r_gpusync is disabled (set to 0), however because this setting controls the synchronization of the CPU and GPU (your graphics card(s)), disabling this can also introduce input (mouse/keyboard) lag. This is because your input can at times be processed by the CPU faster than it can be drawn on screen. So on balance they chose the default of r_gpusync = 3 to maintain synchronization while still giving good performance. The same situation (input lag) can occur if the 'Optimize for SLI' or r_multigpu setting is enabled. http://www.tweakguides.com/COD2_10.html
  3. After clicking on the CoD2 banlist, and seeing a fa**ot I recognized I would have to say I love you, and your site. I apprieciate that you have no reservations about posting this information, and I hope Evenbalance will take note of your visitors appreciation, and work with you in your efforts. My new favorite site, Thanks!
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