You see, this is what im talking about. All the admins here do nothing but make jokes and flame legitimate questions. How can I take anything seriously when this is the attitude from your SITE ADMINS? Is this site run by a group of people who truly want to make their software work, or are you just a bunch of 4 eyed geeks, looking to be a tough guy behind a keyboard with jokes? (that's not a flame... its a serious concern of mine.) Seeing as how the first answer I got was one that would typically come from a 13 yr old.
There were problems with PB in COD1, there are a chitload of problems with it now in COD2. How can I trust a program that has soooo many problems? Especially when I come here for answers, and all i get is flamed myself. VERY PROFESSIONAL :-/
PS.... If you were to empty the banlist for COD2, it wouldnt take very long. You have 9 bans.... all from 3 diff servers. How long has the patch been out? And a few of those are useless because of the 31 character GUID issue. This tells me a couple of things.
1. PB doesnt work
2. Most players in the COD2 community dont trust PB enough to constantly update their servers or stream to the MLB.
3. PB is riddled with problems.
4. There is a chance that there is a problem with the tools that PB uses to do its checks. There is a chance that these problems may be attributed to inexperienced sever admins implementing those buggy tools on their servers.
Call it blind faith in my friend... call it sensory numbness to the problems with the 1.2 patch and the PB that was included with it... But, I just dont trust PB.... It has now tainted the reputation of a close personal friend of mine that I have been playing with for a long time now. And I come here for answers, to get nothing but adolescent responses to valid questions. Way to run a mature website guys.
You are now free to flame as much as your immature little hearts desire. I am done with you guys. GG PB.... way to save COD2. You get a big thumbs up from me. Banning the innocent and letting the real hakers skate by.