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Everything posted by -=WISEVECTOR=-

  1. Merry Christmas to all...I hope you got everything you wanted. ;)
  2. On any given day, there are around 20-30 bans that show up in my pbbans.dat file. I'm seeing people listed as "banned" from my server console, but it says there are no bans for my account? Am I missing something in my pb files? Or is this normal? I've got hundreds of bans in my pbbans and I assume there should be at least some on my account.
  3. Well, look at that...ain't I the shizz now!?! :)
  4. What? You mean....you mean *sniff* I'm not a failure after all?!? This is the best day evar!
  5. Well, I posted too soon. It appears it is streaming. COD5:WW Double check for me, if you don't mind.
  6. I've done everything I can think of. I've followed all the directions. I still can't get my server to stream. I've failed.
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