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Everything posted by AurAL

  1. LOL! The sun will shine on linux one day and the cheaters will fall down struck by the rays of pbSs like a blood sucking vampires as they are...
  2. NP m8, guess we will have to wait. :rolleyes:
  3. Thanks. :(
  4. It seems that it doesnt work or im incredibly stupid. :unsure: I set up the SS manually and tasks are active. I can see them with PB_SV_TList. But i cant find the SS's anywhere!? Path is default. What should i put as a path to put a SS's in svss folder? Or any folder as the matter a fact. I worked on this all nite. Im desperate... :( P.S. Trial and error didnt help cause i got error everything i did. ): Im unsure about what to put as a path. Is this a valid input as a path: PB_SV_SsPath "/svss"? I presume that pb folder on server is default path so this command will store SS's in pb/svss folder on server P.S.S Here is example message from svlog [05.07.2006 10:46:41] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #2) PB_SV_GetSS slot# 0 [05.07.2006 10:46:41] 0 Screenshots Requested [05.07.2006 10:47:01] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #1) PB_SV_GetSS slot# 1 [05.07.2006 10:47:01] 0 Screenshots Requested
  5. Thanks alot! Happy hunting! ;)
  6. First of all. Hi everyone. I intended to stream our clan server but the problem is that our server is on linux so the autoSs or manual sS does not work. Ill stream our server as soon as the problem is fixed. The question is, when can we expect that problem to be solved? Thanks.
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