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Everything posted by MrBoJangles

  1. Hey everyone, I probably just missed it, but I am looking for information on setting my server to "enforce bans" only, instead of "accept hub bans". If anyone can tell me how to do this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, MrBo
  2. Brain fart! lol Thanks anyway Fozzer! :)
  3. server ip: game: RTCW Type: hub clan tag: =[ET]=1 And another :)
  4. Well, lets give it a try again. I went back and did it all from scratch again, just to make sure I didnt miss anything this time. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks
  5. New streaming please. :) Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : RTCW:ET Clan Tag : |>B<|8 HUB
  6. All Bunker servers DO NOT force CVAR rates.. They havent since the last new campaign was added.
  7. Your advice to prevent trouble is very good though. Both write protecting your files and playing on trusted servers are good advice. Thanks for the heads up. :D
  8. Thank YOU yet again for getting us fixed up so fast! :) I <3 you guys. I only have a about 4 more servers to get streaming.. lol
  9. PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_USessionLimit = 1 (0 to 16) done.
  10. Hub ET:RTCW |>B<|10 Thanks again guys.
  11. Thank you sir! :) Just to make sure im thinking correctly.. you dont need to stream via rep and hub? Just one or the other? Also to update the server w/ the newest bans will the Hub do that as well through PBUCON or do I need to install pat or jpat also?
  12. Hey Guys, Just got B12 going.. Tag: |>B<|12 Game: RTCW:ET Hub: Thanks :)
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