Hi everybody
I don't know why I must type this post, so I'll try here..
First of all, I'm sorry for my bad english...
Well, now the matter: I've a problem with an admin on a serv, who told me I'm cheating .. but I'm absolutely not !!
HE is making video of my game play and tell me he will send it to you ...
What can I do against that ? I don't want to be banned for cheat (I insist on I'm absolutely not using one !)... (this admin isn't a good one, I'll try to talk with him, but he doesn't want to hear me ... I'm so bored.
I'm myself an admin on a server who is using POunkbuster (Servergamers)...
Well, I hope that Fozzer will read this post, he knows that I'm not a cheater, and like I've got already said: I don't want to be banned for something I haven't done...
His username on ET is D@ant0n Q, a guy that can't understand that someone is better than him ... Please help me agaisnt that (if it is possible).