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Everything posted by hanfling
Thx, Foxi. :)
Thx u very much, Foxi. :)
Method: Hub & Rep Game: ET Clantag: [DWX] Example: Hanfling[DWX] ps: I also need the rep credentials here. B) (plz pm me)
Method: Hub & Rep Game: ET Clantag: [DWX] Example: Hanfling[DWX] ps: can u pm me the rep credentials for pbsvlog.cfg?
ok, i guess that means i shall overwrite existed files every time u did a change? let me see, coz i also use psb checks and dont want to have double entries... although, i will look if it is possible in this way. thx m8. :P
ah ok thx. :) could u write what exactly got changed? i dont use pat coz i stream to psb too and can only use 1 rep credential. so i have to add new cvars and md5 check manuelly. its not easy to wade through all this entries to find that changed cvar manuelly. plz let me know it, maybe over a pm if it makes a problem to post changes in an extra thread or something like this. :rolleyes: or maybe it makes sense to create a sticky thread, where new stuff got added?!? i would be glad about it. B) thx in honor to u, hanfling ;)
yes thats right ofc. :-) but i wont check every hour if something got changed. :P so it would be nice to get a notification if something new got added. f.e. today i didnt knew that something got changed. and btw. what did u changed? i cant see a new entry at the last line. there is still the old date. :rolleyes: so long hanfling
yeah, coz i merge the cvars and md5checks manually. i would prefer a notification if something new got added in ur list. :rolleyes:
Hi, do there exist a mailinglist or something like this, where i can register for getting news or maybe cvar&md5 update infos? or do i have to look manuelly every day for updates? i would be glad, if not. :P and 1 more question, does it make a difference, how do i manage the md5 checks? can i write for all o/s specific entries an "a" or do i have to parse every o/s with the same check twice? f.e. pb_sv_md5tool w "" ..... pb_sv_md5tool l "" ..... could it be called pb_sv_md5tool a "" ..... ??? i could delete many double entries and would have fewer checks and maybe fewer laags sometimes. B) greetz and thx for taking the time to reading my post :) hanfling
hi, that sounds incredible. i'm really impressed of the pbbans stuff. big thx to all assistants, contributors, employees, staffers, co-operators and members of pbbans! Great Work! So long Hanfling who bows deeply for this organisation.
ok, i guess i haven't got well rested. :rolleyes: ofc, u r right. i don't stream the rep from pbbans. i looked at the summary and thaught it was my server. :blink: so i have to write some scripts that synchronize the cvars and md5 entries with each others. sry, for the question (haven't got much time atm), but what kind of hacks can REPstream detect compared to HUPstream. or asking in other way, does it make a difference, between being up-to-date if i only stream HUP?!? greetz Hanfling who says thx for an answer :D
woot B) , fantastic, :D at the streamindex is shown that i stream with hup and rep from pbbans. and on my server i have configured streaming with punksbusted too. so i did it, the streaming works now with 3 different kinds of repositories (HUP & REP from PBBans and REP from Punksbusted) again thx to all who helped me out. :excl:
ok, great. i will look at the results soon and decide which repository i'll take. :-) so i came to the question, if punksbusted and pbbans synchronize their repositories each other? perhaps not in realtime but at least 1 day after!? else the existence of a repository wont make sense. :D can i be sure that i get maximum protection, while using both of them. or is it better, or maybe just easier, to use only ones, coz they use the same repository-entries aswell, at least after 24h?!?
ah ok, i understood now, thx to u m8. but can u also tell me, how do i use REP streaming, if i have other login credentials from punksbusted in my pbsvlog.cfg? i want to use hup,rep and punksbusted streams together. so that i have a merged banfile with all detected cheaters.
oh well, hi hooligUn i dont know, i was wondering while using PAT that my pbsvlog.cfg got overwritten with pbbans entries. how can i stream to pbbans and punksbusted together. that was what i meant with multistreaming. so how can i setup the HUP, the REP and the punkbusted streams together? and what does it mean add the mci stuff? is it PAT? i just installed it and now i dont know which bans,cvar and md5entries my gameserver uses. so i switched back to old method till i have a solution. ;) how can i load all banfiles i need. when i type pb_sv_banload pat_bans.dat, he says no entries written. and if i make pb_sv_banempty i loose my bansstore from punksbusted.com, isnt it? plz tell me, thx hanfling
wow that was fast, thx. i hope my server uses multistreaming now.
Method: Hub Game: ET Clantag: [DWX] Example: Hanfling[DWX]