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About yiorgos

  • Birthday 09/16/1974

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    Free Team Players
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    Enemy Territory
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Thanks for the help. We are running ETpub with etadmin as well We are currently contacting his provider as well and following that route as well. I'll let you know if and how we sort it out and if there is a vulnerability involved
  2. My server is streaming to PBBANS. How can I banmask his ip? I'll try the PB_SV commands but I don't think that will help a lot. Apparently the guy has a script that changes the slots of the players hence fooling the server to think that he is an admin. As a result of this the name changes happen as he moved people to the next slot until he reaches a slot with an admin. Makes sense?
  3. Our server is patched up with the 2.60b yet there is one player who joins the server and can: 1) do name changes as he wishes 2) kick/ban people We ban him and he can come back and do he likes. We have his giud and IP yet there's nothing we can do about it. He also attacked a server of a sister clan and crashed it (apparently from performing a simultaneous name change on all players but I can't confirm this) Any idea what this is, and what can be done about it? Any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks
  4. Hub Game: ET Clan tag: (FTP) We've changed our IP address hence found the opportunity to change to hub streaming This is my post in the change address forum Thanks
  5. Any direction as to what the problem is?
  6. Is there any reason why this server hasn't been added to the hub? Thanks
  7. Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : (FTP) Co-Admin : (FTP) Yiorgie
  8. I banned him on the spot but unfortunately wasn't streaming then.
  9. I think this is at least a wallhack (watched it with r_shownormals 1) http://gpratsos.free.fr/FTP%20images/2006-...526-oasis.dm_84 Can someone give me his opinion? Thanks Y.
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