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About Silk

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  1. Hi, my name is Silk and i'm just an ordinary ET player. Though I recently got some problems with playing ET. A few days ago I came back from a party and suddenly heard I had been cheating :blink: . I didn't know anything about this, but it seemed I had been cheating on the Telenet server. I don't know a lot of config's and those kind of things, but i had the luck some of my mates do.. So this is what happend: I downloaded some pk3 file, wich caused the problem: I had a Cvar sol_respawn = 1" line in my config (though I only found this out yesterday). http://www.pbbans.com/Master Ban Index (MBI).php?action=5&ban_id=10755 I allready sended an trouble ticket to evenbalance.com but they told me to appeal on the ban. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/u...sage=new_ticket So that is what I did, but I was turned down with an automaticly sended email. This was still before I found out that I had the line cvar_sol in my config. So when I found out about that I tried to appeal another time, but that wasn't possible... As I allready told you, I don't know a lot of configs, and I don't understand a lot of the problem I have. But a mate of me explaind it really nice: Telenet has installed a new punkbuster update that checks players cvars(400?) for anything that could be a ''hack'' In the last few days players are being banned for: CVAR (#9001). And suddenly (o-what-a-suprise) telenet has been logging so called ''cheaters'' all for the same thing, on the same server. Telenet admins has been sending the ''logs'' to punkbuster to get them banned for some shitty cvar. My clanmate checked his config this morning and found some sol_*** cvars, he asked mpita if he had something similar and the answer was yes. You can ask anyone who has played vs Silk if he was suspicious in any way and im sure all the answers will be No. Same goes for mpita and tr1ck's ex clanmate and 90% chance for other players that are going to be banned for the same thing on the same server. These things could have been picked up from some dodgy server from a few months ago without actually ever have installed a hack or using a cfg that had these lines in them. You can even download .pk3 files that can force these lines in your cfg,GG. (Maybe Tr1ck can tell me more how it works exactly) So at this point, my opinion is that you cannot ban a player vor having these things in your config, because it's not a proof that exclude everything. Since there isn't a demo, or a screenshot of me cheating, I think you can understand I'm innocent. I hope you can help me with solving my problems, thanks for reading it, Silk.
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