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Everything posted by DukeBomBazz

  1. Thanx..But for now we are looking for other Server issues that can be the problem. :blink: I get back to you if we should try it...
  2. Hi...I´m Back! :P Sorry, but since we started to HUB-stream, our PING has doubled! <_< Is this common?
  3. We just wonder if there is a string for a Automatic start of DEMO-recording when MAP loads, so you dont forget it. :rolleyes: We have till now manualy used (bind F4 "vstr demo"). Thanx for any Help!
  4. Whats the PB CVAR for Automatic SCR of Connecting players, and only when connecting? And Whats the PB CVAR for Automatic SCR of the last Scoreboard when Match is over?
  5. Just wonder how long it takes before the HUB-streaming is up, after you submited all?
  6. And include "MD5 violations"?? CVAR violations is not mandatory?? Correct..or?
  7. We dont have a "pbbans.dat" in the Server PB, only "pbns.dat" and "pbsv.dat". So we create a "pbbans.dat" and copy the PBBans generated BAN-list in to it...correct, or?
  8. Hi again! :) Can we regularly send "heartbeats" to the Hub, with SOF2 PB? And does the SOF2 PB have a Webtool Interface? And Please reply on our BAN-list Q. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19971
  9. Oki... We are in a process of doing just that. B) Thanx!
  10. Ok.. we are kind of Novice. So, if we have understand this correct... If you HUB-streaming, you dont have to load a BAN-list yourself in the Server PB folder. The streaming sets it´s own BAN-list and updates it... Do we get it? And also.. Do we have to have this PB CVARS at all: PB_SV_BanLoad PB_SV_KickLen
  11. Hi There! Why can´t we enter the Members List here when we are a PBBans member with Paid Subscription. :blink: We only get this...: Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.
  12. Thanx Guys! Ok..do we really have to load an BAN-list if you HUB-Streaming...? Does´nt Streaming take care of that
  13. Hi Again! Just wonder, can we just copy the PBBans generated BAN-list in to our Server BAN-file, or do you have to type all yourself? :huh:
  14. Hi Guys! Thanx for your respons... Our Sweet and Neat Support of GameServers.com has fixt it! They needed to reinstall Server to correct the NoSynq between PB and us! It´s nice to se you -=Garbage DinGo=- here on PBBans. We feel more Safe now to know that some of our match-opponents play strait! :) Hope to see you on the Battlefield soon.... B)
  15. Now we are confused! We have now updated our Punkbuster-Clients and the Server to the Latest versions with "pbsetup.exe" according to "http://www.evenbalance.com" And we getting the version when asking in Console. (Server ver: 1.229 - Client ver: 1.232) BUT....Even with the /PB_SV_DISABLE/ on the Server It seems to be on. Well the game does not say so, and you can enter the Game without PB on. But you get the message that you can se in the Dump. And on and of we get kicked for "NO PACKET FLOW" as the contact dont always reach the PB Security. But if we have the /PB_SV_DISABLE/, the Server should not behave like this at all. The Server is Restarted several times And we tryed with RCON also! Our Server is on http://www.gameservers.com and their Support is not so helpful in this matter! Please assist Q!
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