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Everything posted by BreacH

  1. Hub Game: Enemy Territory Clantag: DiGi'e
  2. you told me to post here so well here it is =) and thnx for the help. hub et DiGi'e
  3. Was skynetting for a change yes i'm an Enemy Territory noob but there where 2 players cheating like hell they got the sniper rifles and they got the zoom in even when they run and HS everywhere but they do nameswitch and before i could yawn them they kicked me :( but anyway i got a question i got a clan server and ftp acces to the server so i generate the mbi but now what? where do i need to put the file in so i can war releaxd knowing that those cheaters won't come on my server so help me out here Btw every info about destroying those cheaters is welcome Love fair play hate the ceaters Greetz BreacH
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