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Everything posted by }DR{Zombie

  1. Definately. I was so excited to be able to try out Vista that I didn't think of it causing this much trouble for me. I hope more people are smarter and check first before trying to play PB games with it. Everybody point and laugh :lol:
  2. Hi, I installed Vista Beta 2 the other day and tried to play Raven Shield with it, and got kicked for "Inadequate O/S Privileges". After fixing that I tried to join the game again and got kicked for "Game Hook #120035". Our server admin notified me that you have placed me on your Master Ban Index (MBI), so I have appealed. Just a warning to everyone, don't try Vista Beta 2 with Raven Shield or you will end up with a huge headache. I hope we can clear up this ban soon. Thanks
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