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Everything posted by alex_the_brit

  1. yay, im having problems. I go to "Team Manager" , then i select "View Servers", Click "Edit" on the server which IP needs to change. Then i get presented with only 1 field which i can edit, that being "Server Description. I go donw to where is says "System" and it has another "Edit Server" bottun there. After i click on that takes me right to a page that says "Server updated." :(
  2. HUB Game: Call of Duty United Offensive ClanTag: *ViC* OLD IP was and for some reason it change.
  3. HUB Game: COD:UO Clantag: *ViC*
  4. Game: CODUO Clantag; *VIC thank you Alex
  5. REP Game: CODUO ClanTag *ViC*
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