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Everything posted by {{HyFu}}SilkwalkerX

  1. Hello, I have been out of AA for almost 10 months. I downloaded and installed the new patch. I joined a game and it started the PB update, instead of letting it do it ingame I left AA. I then went to my AA folder and had PB do its update. It tells me all is good now that it has downloaded the update. When I go into a server it does the auth check and all seams well. I chose a side and then I get a message saying that I have been kicked by PB for 0 minutes. The message says I have an error with PnKBustrA.exe I do not know what to do to resolve this issue. Any help would be appreciated. SilkwalkerX
  2. I was on a AAO server and got a screen shot of someone admitting they where hacking. at the time he was 20+ kills to 1 death. I dont know how to report him. All I have is his ingame name and the server info he was on. -Trunks.2B^ptwars- is his in game name. leF][.Italian Elete Force.]--|DIA is the server he was on. The admin that was on leF][#a!eX.] saw his post admitting he was hacking and said he could stay. When I theatened to come here he booted him. Trunks came back and Alex would not rekick him. I am attaching the SS that shows him admintting to hacking but beyond that not shure what to do. I am an admin for my clan but have never ran accross this clear cut case of hacking and then admitting it. {{HyFu}}SilkwalkerX {{HyFu}} Admin
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