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    Nocturnal Emissions
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    Call of Duty 2
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  1. Your correct, i wiped out his last 8-9 digits and replaced them with 9's. He isnt accused of being a cheat or anything, he was just being a pain. Our servers, as far as i know are streaming,, I dont really do server admining any more, just helping out some guys is all. Here is the guids i am askign about. AGAIN, THIS PERSON IS NOT BEING ACCUSED OF CHEATING. WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR FOR YOU, HE ISNT BEING ACCUSED OF CHEATING. LIFELINE4dd66379f226ef744ffe105b337964b5 4dd66379f226ef744ffe105b337964b5
  2. This isnt a punkbuster ban, it was personal ban based on poor sportsmanship (language, etc). Anyhow this kid was in my server (which is streaming) and acting a fool. So, an admin banned him. He immediately comes back in with the same exact GUID except in front of his guid it has "LIFELINE" Here is an example, i changed a few numbers, etc to protect his identity. LIFELINE4dd66379f226ef744ffe109999999 =his name 4dd66379f226ef744ffe109999999 =his name He was banned him again and it worked. Any thoughts, ideads, suggestions, etc?
  3. I have been arguing about this -in this league (ECW) for over two weeks. No one there seems to believe anything bad was going on. Looks damn strange to me though. I wish I could get my character to lower his stance behind walls for protection, LOL. I am washing my hands of it though, Hooligan. To me seeing is believing, and we all saw what we saw in that demo. I certainly will not be playing against them. If anyone wants the demo, xfire me= peonrusher.
  4. Appears to use wall as a barrier thinking the player was still behind it (was in the demo). Hooligan, this forum is seeing little use. I doubt anyone is reading here. Your best bet is to hit up an Admin on xfire as did I.
  5. I am very new at this kinda thing. I will search all the channels later to see how to get my server streaming. I think I want to get this server streaming to you guys ASAP. Peon www.teamne.net
  6. I have a team that I play against quite often. They went from being really really bad to very very good. The thing is that everytime we change maps they disconnect and reconnect to the server for the next map. (same server) This looks really suspicious. It seems wierd that 2 or 3 guys do this for each map. Does anyone have any info about this or am i just assuming that pc's dont need to reconnect like this? I really dont want to assume the worst but this happens with only 1 team and really is odd behavior. I am assuming the worst cause we busted one of them previously. I could almost understand if they had crappy pc's and needed to free up resources but these guys also brag about their 7900gtx's and dual core processors.....
  7. Anyone want to take a shot at this screenshot for me please? We played these guys on TWL and one guys seemed like superman (not this individual). This will make you think: The rules state on twl that if you suspect that someone of cheating that you file a dispute (takes forever) and you MUST state the time and place in the opponents demo where they are cheating, bl bla bla. Reality is, I wouldnt have guessed this guy cheating on their team, but they had this other dude that was totally unstoppable. This makes me believe that in this case, if one guys seems unstoppable - he may not be the culprit. He was simply being fed information from the team hack. Tell me what you think about the screenshot. It appears as though he is floating below the map? No, this server isnt streaming....I know it should be....
  8. I glad you responded and appreciate your opinions. As far as the renaming of the screenshot, i have NO CLUE how that happened, but I was passing them back and forth with a buddy of mine and i may have overwritten a shot or something. There was definately no mal intent here. I actually know this guy that the screenshot is of, and believe it or not like the guy. I posted in here somewhere awhile back about this guy. It was a bummer to open the folder and see that. When it kicked him later on is said pb violation 133004 or something like that- i can tquite remember now as it has been awhile and i am getting old, LOL.
  9. Thats cool. I only did that cause of size ( i thought it was larger)
  10. Is this a hack?
  11. OK, I guess this dude get a ban. I guess I kinda sad to hear that. :(
  12. 130334. Any Ideas what this is?
  13. I had a guy in my server (not streaming yet sorry) that was kicked for violation. 130334 PB Hack. Now, I kinda know this guy through playing his team about 100 times in scrims and really didnt THINK that he was a cheat. When this happened he lost his connection to his team's teamspeak at the very same time as he was kicked from my server. I am wondering (trying my best to give him some benefit of the doubt) if he lost his connection during some sort of scan and that is why it gve this message. If he's a hack, no problem, just say so and the ip will be added to banned players on my server. But I dont want to ban him unless i am really certain he is a cheat. He isnt a very good player and never puts up much of a score, this leads me to believe that he wasnt also. One would think that if he was cheating that he would have a score that would reflect it....???? Thanks. Peonrusher msn [email protected] xfire peonrusher
  14. I had a guy in my server (not streaming yet sorry) that was kicked for violation. 130334 PB Hack. Now, I kinda know this guy through playing his team about 100 times in scrims and really didnt THINK that he was a cheat. :angry: When this happened he lost his connection to his team's teamspeak at the very same time as he was kicked from my server. I am wondering (trying my best to give him some benefit of the doubt) if he lost his connection during some sort of scan and that is why it gve this message. If he's a hack, no problem, just say so and the ip will be added to banned players on my server. But I dont want to ban him unless i am really certain he is a cheat. He isnt a very good player and never puts up much of a score, this leads me to believe that he wasnt also. One would think that if he was cheating that he would have a score that would reflect it....???? Thanks. Peonrusher msn [email protected] xfire peonrusher Man, I am sorry. I just saw after I hit submit where I posted this. I will repost in the right area.
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