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Pistol Knight

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Everything posted by Pistol Knight

  1. Hi I have installed the pb_bans_hub.cfg and the pbucon.use to my new (2.7) Pb folder and your msi says that i am not streaming ;) i wish to stream to you and forward it to ACI as well, I already stream to AON, any help would be appreciated
  2. im looking for server configs and all sorts of stuff, I only just got the hang of AA configs, now it all looks different LOL, i just need someting to look at so i know what to and what not to change for my own stuff :), im after anything
  3. thx for the reply, i use the hub for streaming to AA, anyone else?
  4. Ok here goes ( I been on PBbans before with AA requests) I "was" a noob at setting up servers writing configs etc but I have got the hang of all the editing cofigs & ini's, I now want to setup a CoD UO server (it is up and running atm) but I want to add custom maps and stream to PBbans (I already stream to you from AA) any chance any of you fine ppl could either send me some links to good "dummie" sites for configs, PB etc etc you know the routine....................Im not that thick just sick of reading rubbish that dont seem to help me! and I am just sick of reading (it all blurs into one big Blah blah blah after a while) I have already got the useful CoD recon control 6.1 ( is it any good? it looks it!) any help will be gratefully appreciated :rolleyes: Thanks in advance
  5. HOOOHA, the more cheats we can catch the better! HOOHA :)
  6. Americas Army server name Duggies Honor Server server ip port 1716 Private server (no clan) admin Myself
  7. can i stream to more that one place, i already use AON to stream to, could i stream to you as well?
  8. thanks for ur quick reponse, i have already read them where in the config do i add them, anywhere? I am looking to join as a full member but i dont want to as yet as there are many sites who ask you to stream, can i do more thatn 1, stream
  9. OK here goes, i have read forums and sites for days now and im sick of it!!! I run a server where the owner is away on duty and I seem to be the only person who can do any of this, but boy am i confused, stream to here or there stream like this or like that, load this into there etc etc, i have full access to the server and can do what i like, BUT HOW, LMFAO do i need ftp or not, can i load cvar md5 as they are!!! i have made changes that have worked ( adv tracker!) i update AASA ban list manually but cant stream to them as we have a Jolt Uber Super server(AASA dont stream to jolt!!!!) ANYONE who can help will be a hero as im getting sick of it all now, all i want to do is play in the server instaed of reading forums and trying to detect cheats on my own.........................nuff said for now...............hope someone can help me (im not thick just confused LOL
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