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  1. thanks Fozzer. Yeah I just did that after posting this. Hopefully I'll get it sorted soon. Thanks again for the quick response.
  2. Hi can someone please help with COD2 problem. Not sure if this is the correct thread, if not then I apologise. I have been getting kicked via PB for (gamehook) violation 125002 (i think thats the number). I looked this up and it says that it is a cheat. I have been using modded maps etc... and various other servers but this only started happening when I was last on EC R][flies server. It had also changed my menus etc in the games front end. Now I keep getting this gamehook violation everytime I try to play online. I tried uninstalling COD2, deleting anything left behind from the uninstall (folders/files etc) I cleaned my system registry, re-installed the game and added patch 1.3 But I still get kicked ...how can I get rid of this....damn I curse EC R][fles. I don't cheat and never have + I hate cheats. Whats the point in buying a game if your just gonna cheat. It defeats the whole purpose of playing the game. Anyway I'm going off on one here...so please any help would be greatfully appreciated. thx
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