Yeah, I've got a lot with xfire chat going on in them -- almost feel like a peeping tom (or jane in my case) when I get those! Have seen people looking at their unlocks etc. I pretty much figured those were normal. I had one today with an error message telling the guy he had to disconnect from server before he could do whatever it was he was trying to do. I had pretty much that the all black screens were issues with video drivers as they say screen capture corrupted at the bottom. Now today I got one that you could see the guys kit menu on the left as normal but where the map should be was nothing but gray. I'm not even sure what to begin to htink about that one -- ie. should I ignore it or should I report it. I'm so new to gaming and now being an admin, sometimes it's just plain hard to know. At this point I want to go with the notion of ask the question and risk appearing the fool rather than let something suspect go on and not catch something. at the same time, I don't want to go just willy nilly banning anybosy on suspician -- I'm a proof kind of person and I guess that's why I'm here. You all can make the determination and I trust your judgement. You've all been doing this a heck of a lot longer than I have! I just hope ya'll don't get tired of all my submissions/posts/questions and the like! :)