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Everything posted by EuT.be

  1. I dont get it why they're setting the picmip setting that strong hence you can easely set this via your options menu. What do they care actually if I want to playing with more squares on my screen if they dont want that? I never tweaked my config and connected to a server and got kicked just that because I used the ingame options menu (which appearantly set picmip to 3) to lower several details in game to get just that little bit more fps and this w/o tweaking the game config.
  2. IGA does but requires full server acces because you've got to get & install BigBrotherBot (B3) Why the server acces? That is because B3 uses Python and MySQL and you need several other plugins for Python to communicate with MySQL and stuff, you also need extra plugins for B3 itself before you're able to IGA your server (+ gives the option of showing of live stats). Ofcourse, B3 is kinda older then CoD4 and therefor, you need the CoD2 parsers/plugins. Once set and configured well, B3 is a kick Administration bot which is a handy tool to ease up the task and you only have to wait for B3 v2.0. I'll be trying soon with the B3 app, I only need to install everything first. I'm already glad that I was able to re-run all servers again.
  3. www.codhq.comRegister and download ModernRcon 0.4 And since you're a registered user, you should already have JRE installed. Else get that one Included. But it seems like that the host is regulairy experiencing hosting/database downtimes. The reason I'm including this. ModernRcon_v0.4.zip
  4. What do I have to say... I played 4 hours on my own server and when checking the SS's all my ss's returning error'd or mostly blacked out. Yet, there's a 10 seconds delay been set serverside to capture. I dont have Vista and my drivers are... euhm... a month if not older old?!?? Even in my pbcl.log there's nothing mentioned of screenshots but plenty of MD5's and CVAR's are listed. Ofcourse, it seems like that not everybody is takings SS's. Anyway, it also has to do with client side firewall/NAT/UPnP settings. I'm behind NAT and only releasing the ports that I really need. As long PB doesnt enforce their ports I aint going to check which ports they're using.
  5. 27744 should be streaming any soon now... Noticed that sessionlimit returned to 0 or did I missed that one..
  6. Add: Ip #1: Ip #2: Type: Hub Game: ETQW Both should be streaming by now. Remove: Ip: (atleast, the FEAR server) Type: Hub Game: FEAR Reason: Server down! Before I forget!
  7. Owkay, sorry for the latency, but working during nights and a irri wife took some time. I've noticed once again that the bf2 server still isnt streaming So, I restarted the entire server.. And tried to enforce every command just to get the basic streaming on (I'll set everything to the point later on) Yet, since it's a server from clanpoint, they only support the modmanager scripts but all by all, pb should be avaiable via rcon or else it would of been stupid by the 2cc developper In other words, if it aint streaming in the next 24hours, then most likely the Ucon ports shall be blocked by the server. I'm also prepping my FTP server to accept incomming ss's/logs from the bf2server
  8. Ah well, noticed 2 things. Thx for mention about the uconlist thingy, totally forgot about that Added the ucon add, and rewrote the cfg + restarted Once restarted, I noticed a pbns.dat beeing created. (positif return) Yet, I noticed in the pbsv that cbar pb_sv_uconempty stated BELOW the ucon add var This is beeing corrected and now it's vise versa! As the console is returning a positive statement Now, I'm giving the bf2 server a try. Gave it a restart first (will keep you posted ;))
  9. K, I notice now WHY the FEAR doesnt want to stream. Just updated Firedeamon to start PB along when executing cause appearantly a value gets modified when launching the server! I also notice that the firewall was blocking the UDP signals. Those are release (windows firewall). Else, I need to contact the server owner to allow these on the router/switch Since the next errors show on console: In the meanwhile, i'll check if I can get the bf2 clanpoint server to stream...
  10. Hi, this is a small request for 2 servers. 1) FEAR MP v1.08 IP + port: 2) Battlefield v1.41 IP + port: About the Fear server I'm quite sure it should be streaming now. About the BF2 server, I'm doubting that the rcon accepted the commands since I didnt noticed an output in 2cc rcon window. Both servers are set for Hub streaming. yet, like I said, In all theory they should be streaming... regards, EuT.be
  11. Yeah, a couple of times I've restarted PB
  12. I've tried adding via the commandline doin "pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use" and hoping that it is added. As on the FEAR server it's located in the PB folder
  13. PB Version is OK on latest, Sessionlimit is on 2 like it was provided via the pbbans_hub_cfg.zip Ow yeah, added via the Webtool the required commands to set PB but I aint sure I'm streaming with the BF2 server since Gameservers.net doesnt allow FTP towards the ranked servers!
  14. EuT.be

    Speed Hack

    If you know the used cvar or know the correct file then we can add the cvar in order for PB cvar checkup or use the md5 checkup to ban the speedcheaters.
  15. Game: FEAR Ip: Port: 27888 Clan: BigBadTeam Tag: =[bBT]= (Registered tag in PB) Website: http://www.bigbadteam.com (PB;PsB) Admin: EuT.be (me, Registered name in PB) Admin #2: BigBadT (aka TinyNiceT) Note: Server just started streamin 10mins ago from now on... Note 2: BF2 (IP: server will be Hub streaming later this day/tomorow. Need to contact Gameservers.net to add the files and extra line ;)
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