NOOOOO lOl you missread my message or I didnt make it plain. I meant guid relax 0 is the only PB guid relax setting we use. We dont want any dup keys, bad names nothing on out server. We run atight ship and wont tolerate any cheating. We certainly would not tolerate duplicated key users. What I am merely trying to say is. IF and it could be any of us! IF some genuine ,honest player has had the guid, key whatever duplicated its a shame that there isnt something can be done. I am NOT saying they are fair and above board ,I simply dont know and would like to have got to bottom of this as it also angers me if I am being messed about by cheats!!!Re above I used the guid checker on the home page??
The other details I have gotten from alias finder
The guid concerned is ec70e28e9e44b36ae34209e2fb8caf76 With 3 folks claiming it as there own! SOD it I`ll just ban the guid, like you said maybe its not my problem to worry about.