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Everything posted by -=*VeNoM*=-

  1. Hi m8s. Anyone come across some hack or cheat that lets a player use a weapon NOT available? in the map??? We had a fella the other night using the AK47 in a pure sniper round when only sniper, knife and nades were available. I wasnt on server but three admins were, they tried to change to the ak47 but confirmed that it wasnt there to choose?? I later checked the mapcycle and again confirmed ak47 was disabled :blink: :huh:
  2. Many thanks. It was so easy to set up! with the guidance given. If I can do it anyone can! :D
  3. Hi BluE-ZoNe would like to stream its no2 server also to hub. No1 allready streaming. i.p clan tag -=BluE=- sof2 (rocmod) This is for the pb bans hub . many thanks :)
  4. Well I only been streaming a short time and I have to say I am WELL impressed. I Should have done this long back. Well done to all who run this site
  5. You have now my friend and my other server uses 26222 ;) I have followed the instructions and done the streaming check but not shown?
  6. i.p clan tag -=BluE=- sof2 (rocmod) This is for the pn bans hub . many thanks
  7. Many many thanks. That has made my mind up and I feel annoyed with them too, unless its the case of them having bought second hand from amazon and ebay? But anyhow I`ll ban the guid and do as you suggest, much obliged and HI to you F4F its been a while but yr server is in my favourites list. I`m the head of BluE ZoNe Snipers
  8. NOOOOO lOl you missread my message or I didnt make it plain. I meant guid relax 0 is the only PB guid relax setting we use. We dont want any dup keys, bad names nothing on out server. We run atight ship and wont tolerate any cheating. We certainly would not tolerate duplicated key users. What I am merely trying to say is. IF and it could be any of us! IF some genuine ,honest player has had the guid, key whatever duplicated its a shame that there isnt something can be done. I am NOT saying they are fair and above board ,I simply dont know and would like to have got to bottom of this as it also angers me if I am being messed about by cheats!!!Re above I used the guid checker on the home page?? The other details I have gotten from alias finder The guid concerned is ec70e28e9e44b36ae34209e2fb8caf76 With 3 folks claiming it as there own! SOD it I`ll just ban the guid, like you said maybe its not my problem to worry about.
  9. Guid relax 0 unfortunately doesnt answer the question behind whats going on here. That only makes it so PB does its full `kicking` I know I can relax the guid kick but our server will never do that. I wondered if this was some kind of key grabbing going on. A subject I know v little about and if any of you chaps had had a similar thing happen. I in 7 years playing SOF and 4 years as a server owner have never had this situation, but thanks for your help. I know its not my problem but if I think someone is on the end of some cheat/theft whatever key gen is then if I can help them I`ll at least try.
  10. I have a problem thats `doing my head in` I have two players who have backing for there insistance that they bought two seperate sof2 game cds from 2 different suppliers (Ebay and Amazon) and yet they keep getting kicked for duplicate guid. I checked with alias finder and they are shown having many aliases and useing the same guid number? yet they insist they do not and connect from different pcs. As if this wasnt bad enough I now get a request on our forum for membership from a third paeron (supposedly) whom when i check his alias out he turns out to have the same guid as these other two. I then checked the guid in here to find they /he/ whoever has numerous entires for duplicate guid viloations and other stuff. I am really confused because the first two came with backing from two seniour figures in our clan. I really dont know where to turn next. What do you think?
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