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Everything posted by Speedkiller

  1. Sorry for the bump - Ive been away. No idea why Im on an anti cheat banlist -- Ive never been kicked for Multihack and ive never seen those numbers before I dont know what they mean except my old IP is there I think? :blink: Weird thing is I havnt had the ban message for a while - Does this mean its only some servers? Well I'll appeal anyway for it removed if it hasnt been already.
  2. its only said ive been banned by admin for a couple of servers, 3 I think. All 3 of them I had never been in before, and Im not banned from any that I regularly play in. Well I am now with this weird GUID ban which keeps coming and going. And is there any way I can fix PB INIT Failure?
  3. Damn! Just started playing again and im GUID banned. This is annoying now, Ive changed nothing since it was fine. GUID - 4b85ed46 I really dont know what this can be so can someone check it out 4 me (i dont know how to do that either :)) Im also getting kicked for the reasons I mentioned before from other servers, except no packet flow. So im getting kicked for "BANNED by server admin" (when i havnt been in the server in my life), and PB INIT Failure.
  4. Thanks for all the help ! It seems to be working at the moment except one server where im GUID banned, which is weird, but better than getting kicked from every server! I will make sure next time i have time to play, if not I'll try this thread again or the evenbalance ticket thing.
  5. Thanks for the reply. err, when i get kicked again I will post the exact message. I have run pbsetup.exe and it says all updates have been applied or whatever.. but its still not working.. I went in a server ( and it says something about an old version in chat. like this: Speedkiller: *WARNING* Punkbuster reports PB Server Running Old Version C1.252 Then I get kicked (0 minutes) Reason: This PB server requires (A1367 C1.252) Error loading Pbcl I dont know if that ones me or the server? but Im still getting PB INIT Failure sometimes, No Packet Flow sometimes (thanks for explaining that, Im going to try it without the firewall now) im also going to try that ticket system thing for more support if u cant help me here. ALSO - the GUID bans seem to depend on the server. Maybe I am banned from one server? I dont know why though, and I thought GUID bans banned u from all servers..
  6. Ok I tried to get help at the Punkbuster website, but theres no support there.. Well nothing that can help me.. So I'm trying here! My Punkbuster for CoD2 keeps messing up, it seems to randomly kick me for everything and give me temporary GUID bans. It started when I went in a server (clean - i always am) and I got a GUID ban. wtf?! no reason was given or anything, I dont know if a reason is usually given but it seemed strange. I typed /reconnect and I wasnt banned any more which was weird.. So I just ignored it and played.. Then I got kicked (0 minutes) for No Packet Flow.. What the hell is that? I reconnected again and got kicked for PB INIT Failure (0 minutes again) I thought it might be the server so I tried another server that Im sure Ive never been in before and it said BANNED by server admin. So I tried another server, which was better, but I got kicked about 3 times for No Packet Flow again. That was enough 4 the day so I left it. Then today I tried it again, got kicked for No Packet flow again twice and then later GUID ban again. Now Im not GUID banned any more, it lifted itself again. So I tried re-installing the game therefore reinstalling Punkbuster and I got 'CD key in use'. Im not sure if this is anything to do with PB, it might just be a firewall problem or something. I played around with it for a bit and got it fixed, but then Im still getting kicked for No Packet Flow. Soo, any ideas? and if I get GUID banned again for some reason and it doesnt lift itself and Im banned forever, how can I get rid of that? Its unfair if I get banned when im not doing anything wrong :mellow: Thanks edit - Ok now when I go in a server it says *WARNING* PB Reports I am Using an Old Version c1.252 or something like that, but when I go to evenbalance.com and update with pbsetup.exe it says that I am fully updated. After a while of PB spamming the server it kicks me for PB INIT failure again :(
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