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  • Name
    Dutch Terror Corps
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 2
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Now I just have to be added to the hublist...
  2. I know but I should if I want to stream to two servers right?
  3. Could someone set me up for the hub stream? Didn't notice I had to use the hub stream before..
  4. Server IP : Server port : 28960 Game : CoD2 Clan Tag : [DTC] or [DTC-ss] Co-Admin : Bandido
  5. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me without calling me a dipshit, I thought PAM already did the checksum bit (which is a tool for checking random file alterations not manmade file alterations, two different files can easily have the same checksum). We are forced to stream to PBBans because of CB but there's nothing you can do about that. As for the other ppl that use our server, well we're a pretty close group everyone trusts each other and I'm sure that no-one cheats. I'm not the only admin, everyone who helps with the bill gets rcon access and if they want they can edit the files aswell (though there's only two of us that can at the moment). I'm against hacks aswell but I'm not convinced its such a big problem. I've played against 2 or 3 people who were cheating over the course of at least 3 years. If they're cheating I can easily look it up in the pbscreens on the server and if its not our server I can just go to another. Actually I did feel like I was being accused of being a cheat, not by you though I figured the only reason why PBBans exists is because of cheaters (I can't think of anything else).
  6. Look dude, there's no reason to start being offensive. I've never cheated at online games, and I don't like cheats. However just cause someone cheated once doesn't mean they allways cheat. I just don't see why I need a banlist such as pbbans because PB already does the job of checking for cheaters. Lets get real here, almost everyone has cheated at one time or another at some game (anyone remember iddqd?). Most of us have probably never cheated at online games but I can see how someone could be curious about it and check out a cheat. Why am I the poster child of why PBBans exists, because you want to ban everyone you don't like? Or are you already accusing me of being a cheat. In either case it only makes me more curious about the neccesity of your service. I merely enquired about why I need this service, I just play the game for fun and with PB already enabled and updated whats the risk of someone still cheating? You don't have to be offensive just because I don't agree with your opinion
  7. I'll be honest, the only reason for me being here is because of bloody clanbase and their f#cking rules. Why should I bother streaming to pbbans, there isn't even a cod2 section for bans and even if there was doesn't pb kick for violations? Why would I bother going through the process of streaming my server when pb already does the job, I don't mind ex-cheaters playing on our server. Just because somebody once made a mistake doesn't mean they'll keep cheating. What is the advantage thats to be gained by streaming to pbbans, all I see on this site is some bans of people who may or may not have been cheating and are now screwed over. No offence but who are you to decide who gets to play on OUR server?
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