exactly how is the rate of fire changing? it is being utilized to its fullest, and you dont like it i think is what you mean to say. for the simple fact that your forgetting about the other SINGLE fire weapon, the shotty. no amount of scroll wheel changes its rate of fire nor anyother gun because its made to fire at a certain rate. how do you know that the developer didnt want the other guns you mentioned to be fired like that?
seems to me they would have gone as far as doing what they did for the shotty if they wanted the rate to be limited, they sure did make the shotty slow...and as some cops i know, they can shoot their tactical shotty to where the first shell doesnt hit the floor yet till the last shell ejects and thats like 8 shots!!! perty fing fast. and its a pump.
if you still thinks its exploits/cheats. do an easy search on google for some old man shooting a pistol for record times at targets, its an easy enough search. heres some
add those numbers up and thats pretty close to your exploit/cheat shooting a single shot like an auto problem, even with a revolver
dont get single fire weapon and SEMI AUTOMATIC mixed up...please old people who cant play FPS to well, stop trying to put your influence on it, your just dragging the skill level down, thanks! the wheel scroll will actually help you