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Everything posted by blacksheep1

  1. "Instate Automatic Kick instead of Automatic Ban for blacklisted CD keys" I prefer the auto-ban, less work for me and more time to actually play. If your key was legit (purchased via online or included with hard copy of game) I would suggest keeping your junkue locked up a bit tighter. Sorry dude, no sympathy either way. ;)
  2. We appreciate all you guys are doing, will be making another donation within a few weeks. ;)
  3. It can be somewhat intimidating at times, trying to dig up exactly what your looking for on PBBANS (and others sites as well), especially after using key word searchs etc. Thats where PBBANS staff makes all the difference, one short PM to any of the staff here gets you a clear answer either directly or by link to the info you need, without making you look/feel "noobish". ;)
  4. We appreciate all you have done in order to help keep our gaming "clean", we do have additional member of "}AR{ Covert ops" willing to donate additional funds. We will do so within the next few days. }AR{ Blacksheep (blacksheep1)
  5. I hate to ask for "hand holding" on getting our server streaming but it is important to us, is there any way to get additional help?,as i stated,we entered all the info as noted via bf2cc, but still no luck even after going through it several times,the cfg is present and i have a copy available should someone wish to review it. Sorry to be such a "noob",,for lack of a better word,,thanks again, sheep.
  6. I appreciate the info,not sure why it has not started to stream as all the info was added as stated,we did get some serious connection issues once we added it. Lost connections,connection skips etc (all players/random) until we added the "heartbeat",then the server settled down again,i`ll go through it once more before going back to intuition,thanks again all.
  7. We added the additional command to stream,hope its working this time. We also noted some problems getting pb screenshots using standard commands, we couldnt get any ss other than shots of "ourselves","pb_getss "slot#" nothing worked,any ideas? (note:we tried both server side and client commands)
  8. I`ll check it a bit later today,we used bf2cc ,with the server empty most of the night we may need to add the "heartbeat".
  9. clan tag }AR{ GAME bf2 Hope it`s working. }AR{Blacksheep
  10. Hey all,, I belong to a bf2 clan with the never ending "guess-a-hack" players stopping in, i have convinced the rest of our core(admin) members to begin streaming,what exactly will we need to do to begin the process,? We appreciate any help you can give us,,thanks. }AR{Blacksheep www.arcovertops.com
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