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  1. Well, I got kicked by PB for D3D hooking indeed. But how the hell could I get possibly banned by MD5 and filewhitlist ??? that doesnt make any sense to me. // the sad thing is that hooking D3D doesnt really give you any adventages if used by cheats
  2. This might be interesting, but Id like to introduce some customizable stats for every player itself, with buddy lists and so on, and it rather cant be server side (as I guess etadmin is?)
  3. Hello all, Im writing a tool which is displaying some tracker stats in-game, to do it I have to hook some Direct3D Functions so that I can write text over game. I got told that some hacks use the same techniques, should I be afraid of being banned for that by PB ? Or should I maybe send my application to PB, so that they can verify its not a ban ? I would appreciate any help on these topics. ::edit:: I should add, that I already tried that under F.E.A.R. which is running PB too and didnt get kicked (well it was just a digital clock text, so maybe thats why). Regards, seq
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