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    Second Rangers
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    Enemy Territory
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  1. i started a new server in et 2.55, so noone was banned neitehr kicked, neither nothing, but a guy was trying to join and a message saying that he was banned was showing and he cant connect, i looked on banlist and nothing is showing, "zero things"was there ... so what i want to do to let thius guys play.. and btw exist a way to take this message off, cause evryone read it.. and its not cool that evryone know who is banned , who not thx sorry for my bad english
  2. Thx dud, <_< im trying to hate ET :angry: :angry:
  3. 1-Im trying to ban a guy that dont folow the rules of server. But when i made it, after some times he back, i banned him 4 times and he back 4 times, its impossible he is connecting using others pcs, he said to some players that just he reinstalled the Enemy Territory again. How is it possible ??? I will not be able to bann him forever ? What i need to do ? 2-I was looking some SSs inside pb folder when i looked some pics like that of diferent players. Why this pics is in White and black different of all others ??? http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pb000154id3.png Why this pics is so big ??? http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pb000384cn5.png OMG this players will let me crazy :blink: :blink: THx
  4. Thx guys, i will make it ... :)
  5. I installed the Enemy Territory 2.6b, when i tried to join on a server i was kicked by pb, so i get the pbsetup.exe on evenbalance and made the updates that the program said that i need to do. Now when i tried to join on almost all server, i was disconnected cause the pb server says that im running the otehr version different .The server is running a old version of pb . :blink: LOOK THIS PIC , on this pic it says (c1286) on another server it were other number low than (c1286) http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/9200/pbolderju9.jpg I will not can play anymore on servers that are using olders versions ?? :blink: What i need to do ?? :( Help me please :( ==== ps. if im not wrong im running pb (v1.257 | A1364 C1.298) === Sorry for my bad english :(
  6. Hi.. Today my gf saw a guy on my server shooting on the wall and killing who was the other side :blink: :blink: im trying to find his SS but i dont know how to make it :( cause when i try to find your name on the list and when i click on his name the ss that is showed has other names :blink: ... what i need to do to find this guy ??? :huh: THX
  7. I HAVE A PC AND A LAPTOP MY Laptop is connected to my pc and my pc is connected to internet :P look: LAPTOP--->net board 1 [PC] net board 2 ----->INTERNET :rolleyes: PROBLEM :angry: I have a server. I connect to the server using the pc when i try to connect both to my server one of them is disconnected without reason. :blink: what i need to do ? :mellow: THX guys B)
  8. PB always Kick players cause many TK but the players are just killing yours enemys. Does this command will resolve it ???
  9. Im having prob with PB on my server. :angry: 1 - PB alway kick players cause CVAR_something (many cvars) :angry: 2 - PB always Kick players cause many TK but the players are just killing yours enemys. :lol: PB is crazy ??? :blink: I configured it wrong ??? :blink: I need to reinstall it ??? :blink: :unsure: :unsure: ...What i need to do ??? :unsure:
  10. :huh: Hehe !!! Just me use :blink: and has the password. :huh: What i need to do now ??? :unsure: Please help me !!!
  11. A user of my server cant connect. When he trys a message is showed: Banned by PB admin. :angry: But im the only admin on server and i didnt ban him. When i try unban him the bp says: THIS GUID DOESNT EXIST ON LIST. :blink: :blink: --- What i need to do to resolv it ??? :huh: :huh:
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