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    Xystus Flammo
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  2. We have changed hosting company and this server is no longer working. I am not sure where to ask this so I will put it here.. But first I have some background. We are now using TCAdmin to control our games. We are a Halo clan that likes to play Fear. So basically there is only one fear server. In an effort to add some variety to playing fear, the single server can be turned off and another turned on just by 2 clicks of a mouse. So how do you want me to setup streaming? I can have all the variations on the fear server set to same ip and port. I think this should work. I will try it shortly. So when one goes down, the new server can use the same streaming account. Which streaming system should I set up for? thanks for reading and your help. Ares
  3. **admin edit ** do not post cheat links on these forums - pm a staff member and mail the link to [email protected]
  4. Looks like I made several mistakes. I tried to setup both systems. Which one should be used?
  5. Can you try it again?
  6. I have web admin access. It reset during the process. I will try again later tonight. Wife tells me it is time to go. HAHA.
  7. Hub Fear Tags; {XF}
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