@benway: i tried the pb task, but i produced a loop and pbsvuser.cfg was loaded all the time
so i m gonna try to enable it after loading the cb config!
@gobbo: soz i havent played this match so i dont know anything about that !
we use on our war server the cb configs, but i noticed it overwrites the md5 and cvar checks from my pbsv and pbsvuser.cfg in pb directory.
how can i fix it?
i just saw on my account 2 servers with this flag -->Flags: Enforce Bans<--- the other 4 dont have this flag. can u tell me whats the difference?
and whats this flag? Allow PAT Reloads
<3 hux
ps i searched but couldnt find anything about it
either i m too stupid to get the second server streaming ( or you have to activate it again? cause i think the reason before was that i havent restarted punkbuster!
thx hux
i ve set up the ftp installation for streaming!? i m not sure if u have to activate my account, so if you have to, then please do ! thx huxFLux
clan name F2k
game enemy territory
i just wanted make our server streaming to pbbans but its already streaming to punksbusted com. it works nearly same with pbsvlog.cfg so if i add there the logport etc i would have this all twice in my cfg??
so my question is how can i have both streaming!?