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Everything posted by spr!nt`

  1. hey well i see u guys did not add 1 of my guys hes very important 2 my team for sof2 and COD2 hes part of my crew and i did not get a reason why hes not on my account.. can i plzz get a reason why u did not let TheGrimace on? dont matter plzz add him hes a very imporant part of my crew and important roll so plzz add him. the reason why i need him yes i know some parts looks up peopels guids but i also made TheGrimace head of antie-cheats because he knows so much ways of finding info adn shti on players then i do and he as goign 2 show me also and The Grimace is not part of tacp if u look on PGL and EGL hes not on any of there rosters hes part of nsp and hes here 2 stay and make sure that my clan is clean and stays clean so plzz i need him on my account www.progamingleague.net & www.extremegamingleague.com thoes are the leagues that are going on and hes not on any of them my account ID = 272 >>rec. red eye crew for sof2 server ip plzz add him i know i might be an ass right now and i dont mean 2 be but i want my clan clean and a streaming server is 1 thign that helps but also with TheGrimace help that will be even better so give him a chance hope u guys will let him on oh and plzzz all pbadmins here can i have ur msn and xfire plzz here is my msn and xfire msn = [email protected] xfire = sprintzor thank u
  2. hey guys i would like if u guys would be able 2 add 2 players 2 my team accoung my account ID = 272 >>rec. red eye crew for sof2 server ip the 2 players i would like added would be MyPeePee and TheGrimace 2 my account plzz and thanks u i hope this will not be a problem
  3. let me try that again bc there is a enw command i just saw that was neevr was on the foruims where 2 make a server hub
  4. yo gangsta good 2 see u went wiht maxxservers.net bro lol :D and if thats true i can add sevrers liek that thats so much easrier GO PBBANS GO!!!! wooot
  5. yea i even did it wiht rcon and ti will work but then when i rs my server it will not show its on again and when i add the first command it says errer liekk cant write it in blah blah blah but i guesss when i rs server i will just do it each time like that lol Thnk you and i will be back wiht like 4 more sevrers that will be need 2 steam
  6. Hub Game: SOF2 Clantag; >>rec. clan name Red Eye Crew umm im haveing a lil prob steam or settign up hub 2 my osp server ip >>rec.osp.nd
  7. hey i was able 2 look at players gui b4 for sof2 but when i was just looking on ppl guid 2 see if they been bustedb4 i cant do it anymroe and i dont knwo what i did im loggedin still and nothign happens server ip has changed also its not anymore our new sevrers are and the same ip wiht a another port 20142 :(
  8. ty ty fozzer was also helpful but yea thats koo i would nto say i understand what u mean about the whify thing bc i dont have one but a mom that just wants me away form the game lol well im steaming yes! well i got to go now damn school :'( lol latr guys
  9. thank you i guess that means i did it right lol
  10. Hub Game: sof2 Clantag; ~uf.
  11. hey Murd i dont know if u rememebr me btu i was 9od mystical well i just started up a clan wiht some friends and we will liek to get the server steamming i am now called ~uf.sprint` clan is ~uf. = Unstoppable force i have tryed to talk to u on msn but i guess ur busy my server ip is and my TS is pw justme ight thx murd hope to hear from you :D
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