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About Thompsonguner

  • Birthday 03/05/1968

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  • Name
    Band of Brothers
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Took me a while but now it says were streaming. YEAAA!!! did not see a PM by the way (for the team account)
  2. Hub Game: BF2 Clantag: morbid IP: :)
  3. I have full access to all server functions, rcon and BF2CC. I just dont hold the offical title "admin" on or clan page.
  4. Thanks, that is an answer I can deal with. Sorry about snapping at you guys, was getting a little frustrated. Partly also due to the fact that my efforts in getting my clan to stream have so far been less successful then I had hoped (even though everyone in the clan wants to, but our lead admin is currently too bussy with real life commitments).
  5. The kind of reply's and now the lack of them (in this and the preious thread) is not helping my efforts to win my clan over for the streaming :( . I realize that you guys are bussy, but I dont think I'm asking stupid questions. My other thread generated ~350 hits so I would assume that others have the same questions. Now this one should be a easy one for you guys, instead I get nothing but "Why not get your server streaming to pbbans.com, so the staff and users here can do more then just give our opinion?".
  6. As stated in my previous thread I'm working on getting our server added to the streaming list. As I currently don't have an "official" admin status in our clan :( I can't do it and have to keep nagging our admin to do it. Until then I will gladly settle for a educated opinion.
  7. Here are some SS of a guy called zzetos. Could someone have a look at them and tell me if I'm right in assuming he is cheating? PS hope the uploading worked.
  8. While I would still like to know how the calculation is done, I have settled for looking at posted screen shots to see what worked for others. Adjusting the x and y % looks like the answer to what we are looking for in a screen shot. So for the benefit of others like me (this thread did get a few hits after all) here are the settings we will settle on for now: pb_sv_autoss 1 pb_sv_sshight 410 pb_sv_ssrate 2 pb_sv_sswidth 800 pb_sv_ssxpct 80 pb_sv_ssypct 20 Thanks to all who took the time to help out an old noob. Keep up the good work.
  9. I'm currently testing out the different settings, but as I have to wait until the next day to download the server log files its a bit of a pain. Hence my question if anyone can tell me how to calculate the pixel size with the various sample rates applied. resolution / sample rate or resolution / (sample rate * x) or (w resolution / sample rate) * (h resolution / sample rate) looking at it now I think the last one seems the most likely, but school was 18 years ago so... :blink: Again thanks
  10. No one? :( Is my question too stupid or too technical? :unsure:
  11. How do you calculate the pixel size a screen shot will have with the different sample rates applied? It says in the PB manual the max limit for an SS is 82000 pixels. 640*480=307200 is it divided by 4 (for sample rate 4), 8 or 16? It says for a sample rate of 4 the image file size is reduced to about 1/16. What would be the correct setting to capture the largest portion of screen without exceeding the 82000 pixels and still being able to spot things like the mini map and wall hacks be? Thanks
  12. Have just DL'ed yesterdays SS's. We're now getting them slightly bigger (they include a little less then the bottom left corner of the mini map). All SS's say "Attempted w=800 x h=600 at (x=50%, y=50%), Resulting w=328 x h=246 sample=2. Any ideas why it is still not taking them like we set it up. Looks to me like the size its actually taking them is almost what we want, a SS of the entire screen with the mini map. Thanks
  13. Thanks will give that a try. We'll see tomorow how they turn out. Don't understand why game2xs does not allow direct access to the pb/ss folder but like I said we are happy that we get them at all. Right now its just a matter of getting the screen shot settings right. Again thanks
  14. The reason we had trubble with getting the SS's was that our server does not allow direct FTP (they say its not allowed on a ranked server!?) we have to DL the server logs (zipped) the next day and in that we also get the SS's. Kind of a pain to have to wait until the next morning but we can live with that. I have another question though. What setting is needed to get an SS of the entire screen? Right now it only takes an SS of the center of the screen (basicly around the crosshair). Thanks
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