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    Battlefield 2
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  1. I think you are wrong, sir. ;) We have given examples of how this can happen. You have not given a reason as to why this is a rule. You have only stated that it is a rule. In fact, this was not a rule when I first joined PBBans and started streaming with my server that is now banned. Also, the tone of your post suggests some kind of serious violation that we were "getting away with" but are now, deservedly BANNED! Are you also suggesting that a server that appears on the MPi is involved with some kind of cheating? Your rules are the rules and we will follow them. This business is just a little disturbing for an admin like me that hates cheating.
  2. OK. If you say so. :( Just to clarify. I have a dual WAN network set up with more than 10 computers. one of those "computers" is set up as a "server" that hosts the Battlefield 2 dedicated server program. Several of the other computers inside the network are used to play the game. Normally, the computers used to play the game connect to the world using WAN1 that happens to be a semi static Comcast IP. The BF2 server is supposed to use WAN2 that happens to be my domain address of dnfw.net on a static IP of If the router decides to balance the network load it will sometimes let computers inside my network to connect to the world using WAN2. Inversly, players outside can connect to my dedicated BF2 server on either IP address. It is a 12 person non ranked coop server (full of bots). It doesn't get a lot of traffic but it has caught and banned cheaters in the past. Sometimes we play on it if the ranked server is slow. The "server" in question is mainly used to test changes before applying those changes to my leased, ranked BF2 server. So, if I put the computer set up as a server, running the dedicated Battlefield 2 server program on a static IP of, and nobody ever plays the game from that address all will be OK? :huh:
  3. My server was also banned after a couple years of streaming without warning or notification. Cheaters have been caught and banned on my server. So what if the server appears on the MPI list? Why wouldn't a good standing streaming game admin not be notified that his server was suddenly banned from streaming to PBBans? This doesn't make sense. How is a "dedicated server defined?" A dedicated server cannot be "from LAN or personal computer?" Then where is it supposed to be? Is this rule trying to state that the server must have it's own IP address? If this is true, how can it be a "network server?" :blink: I know i have a lot of questions in this post. Please clarify this rule because because I would like my server to be streaming to PBBans again. By the way, the server also streams to GGC, PunksBusted, and BustedPunks and has not been banned by them.
  4. Hub Game: BF2 Clantag; DNFW Hub Game: BF2142 Clantag; DNFW Hub Game: COD2 Clantag; DNFW
  5. Oops. The PB server didn't update itself. Now it updated and restarted, everything seems OK. Wouldn't you think the newest version of BF2 would have the newest version of PB?
  6. I just updated my BF2 server to ver. 1.41. I copied all of my working pb files to the new server. Now I get PB UCON Session #1 Opened [] type=1 name=”pbbans”… PB UCON Invalid password for”pbbans”@ The session number keeps incrementing about every 30 seconds. I've looked through the forum but I kind of stuck. Help appreciated.
  7. Please add my 2nd server. IP: HUB Game: BF2142 Clan: DNFW
  8. Thanks. Bed time for me.
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