OK. If you say so. :(
Just to clarify. I have a dual WAN network set up with more than 10 computers. one of those "computers" is set up as a "server" that hosts the Battlefield 2 dedicated server program. Several of the other computers inside the network are used to play the game. Normally, the computers used to play the game connect to the world using WAN1 that happens to be a semi static Comcast IP. The BF2 server is supposed to use WAN2 that happens to be my domain address of dnfw.net on a static IP of If the router decides to balance the network load it will sometimes let computers inside my network to connect to the world using WAN2. Inversly, players outside can connect to my dedicated BF2 server on either IP address. It is a 12 person non ranked coop server (full of bots). It doesn't get a lot of traffic but it has caught and banned cheaters in the past. Sometimes we play on it if the ranked server is slow. The "server" in question is mainly used to test changes before applying those changes to my leased, ranked BF2 server.
So, if I put the computer set up as a server, running the dedicated Battlefield 2 server program on a static IP of, and nobody ever plays the game from that address all will be OK? :huh: