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About Lynxx

  • Birthday 02/20/1969

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    Ego-Shooters, Computer, Parties
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    Bunker Gaming
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    Enemy Territory
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  1. Oh - in that case your checking is bugged, because i only create a file containing "ECHO TEST", just think for second about it: MD5 tests the checksum of a file, dont you think a configfile could contain many different values ? And the error-message says: MD5-Mismatch (content checksum NOT the same as it should be). If you still dont believe me, try it yourself - make a fresh et-install, create a ubot.cfg in etmain and write ANYTHING in it, go to a pb-enabled server and you will get banned. And why is the list of the forbidden filesname not handed out ? cvars can be checked by players, but not which filesnames are not allowed. Edit: And yeah i used the name UBot to test it .. was curious if the other admins would do anything about the name. :P
  2. You still didnt understand, if i create a file name ubot.cfg in etmain - which for example contains: echo "Resolution 1600x1200" set com_maxfps 42 set r_mode 9 set r_fullscreen 1 vid_restart i will get banned for just having a file named ubot.cfg - and i want to know which filenames are also disallowed.
  3. No i want a list where disallowed filenames are listed, i got 62 config-files in et .. and dont want to be "trapped" by just creating a configfile or installing a pk3, for example someone offering a soundpack with the name zsxsxs_quad.pk3 will also lead to a ban - you understand the problem ?
  4. Hi, i just found out - just HAVING a file called ubot.cfg leads to a ban, is there anywhere a list (like /pb_cvarlist) which shows which filesnames are not allowed ? Or is there a list here on pbbans ? Edit: Erm, little typo .. not uboat.cfg - it's ubot.cfg
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