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Everything posted by BlacK.WaLL.Str33t^

  1. How can I go look at my guide number?
  2. Good evening, I am here to ask why was I banned? I tried playing today for the first time in a while. (Just got back from summer vacations) and when I tried going into a server but once I loaded up and got ready to play it said I was banned :blink: ... I hada buddy do a check and it said the ip that was banned didnt match mine. But even if it was mine I never did anything, if I was hacking they sucked because they didnt help me. Maybe it was some file which I dont know but I have never put in anything that had to do with hacks. Pretty much what I a m asking is if I may be unbanned. If not please at least tell where, when or for what I was banned. Ty, BlacK.WaLL.Str33t^ P.S. If youo want the guide plz ask
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