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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. k ill find out whats going on., yea i made a team account
  2. hey rodeo, i punched in my ip and it is infact tsreaming via hub. thanks
  3. it has stopped? Oh maybe because they just switched os systems on the server. I will find out. Thanks man
  4. I seen this in the svss folder on my server. Does anyone know what this orange line is??? If its something to worry about, ill submitt the info to pbbans. But i am not sure what it is
  5. thanks.. sweet program
  6. Hey murderer, when i type i try to run the fastforward demo script, it says timescale is cheatprotected. Any idea why that is?
  7. Damn, as simple as putting it in my config. thanks a lot man. You dont kno how long ive been trying to figure this out. I tohught it was all on servers end. aprreciate it
  8. cool. Thanks, ill look it over.
  9. i added the g_automatchdemo 1 cvar and it still doesnt record when i start the match. Any ideas why?
  10. Awsome, I appreciate it guys.
  11. Hey guys. We just recently switched boxes and lost the old config. When i want to record a demo to try and catch a wallhacker, it says g_synchronous lcients must be set to 1. so when i change it to 1, there is massive lag. I want to be bale to record demos so i can post them here for a ban and i cannot do that using a 3rd party program. So could soemone please tell me how to fix this problem. also, g_autodemo for rocmod 2.1c doesnt work. I have it set in the config but no luck. I want the auto demo in matchmode. Can anyone please help me with these prolems. Much appreciated Mike
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