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About BuLLy

  • Birthday April 1

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  • Location
    London, UK

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    UK Assasins
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  • Game Played
    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. Im a busy person, and yes I do have a reason... The same reason as all the other server admins, to help stop cheaters! I have added our warserver, just waiting on approval from you guys...
  2. Yep sorry that domain is an old one, our new domain is http://www.sof2.org
  3. So any news on this? Ive waited 2 weeks and still no reply or unblocking.
  4. OK.... many thanks :)
  5. Admin?..... Are we any further on restoring my account?
  6. Any news on this?... I only need my account to set up streaming on one of my servers, or would it just be easier if I set up another account?
  7. As the title suggests, i tried logging in today (first time in a year or two) and my account is suspended. Please can you activate my account again. (Account 668 is suspended) Many Thanks BuLLy
  8. Hub Game: SOF2 Clantag; uK[a]*
  9. Hello, Thankyou for clearing the confusion up PBBans. I have got a genuine cdkey which i have had for 4 years, but i have used keygen keys in the past when i couldnt find my original cdkey.. My KeyGen is deleted, I have learnt my lesson. At least now i can continue with my gaming, league and business without slanderous comments from the community. Thanks again guys, keep up the good work.
  10. Can someone please provide me with an email address or telephone number for PBBans. I have appealed a false ban against myself but I am yet to receive a response from PBBans informing me that the ban has been lifted. The ban in question is not even my GUID but people are certain that it is me, See Links. http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=12054 http://www.fuckuclan.com/forums/showthread.php?t=249 My email address is [email protected], please contact me asap otherwise I will have to take further alternative action against pbbans to clear my wrongly tarnished name.
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